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Recent advances in technological capability and economics have opened up a new world of capability known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is the concept that all machines can be connected to the internet, and be remotely monitored through an infrastructure of interconnected software and hardware...
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The choice of the location and number of warehouses is a strategic-level decision that can have a long- lasting impact on a firm’s performance. Warehouse locations and their capacities determine how products flow within a firm’s supply chain, which directly influences a firm’s performance in terms of cost and service...
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Unilever, a large multi-national Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) company, uses water as an essential ingredient in its products and as a critical component in its manufacturing processes. In many instances, the price of water does not reflect market dynamics insofar as water is cheaper where there is low availability and...
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Product tanker shipping companies in the spot market face severe volatility in demand and in price. We explore shipping companies' two problems: evaluating supply and demand of the market and assigning cargoes in order to maximize profitability. By approximating the market as a queueing system, we obtain utilization ratios, which...
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The electronic newsletter of the MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #61 THE LEADING EDGE Subscribe to Frontiers Using Logistics to Cut Food Waste in Colombia ABACO, a national food bank in Colombia, and the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation, are collaborating on a project to streamline the distribution of donated...
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El boletín electrónico de la MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #61 ASPECTOS DE VANGUARDIA Subscribirse a Frontiers La logística consigue reducir el volumen de desperdicios de alimentos en Colombia ABACO, un banco de alimentos de Colombia, y el Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística están colaborando en un proyecto con...
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There is widespread poverty in Colombia yet the country discards 10 million tons of food a year according to estimates released by the government this March. ABACO, a national network of food banks that serves the needy, and the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI), have teamed up to reduce...
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Aunque la pobreza en Colombia es generalizada, el país desecha 10 millones de toneladas de comida al año según las estimaciones que el gobierno publicó el pasado mes de marzo. ABACO, una red nacional de bancos de alimentos que presta servicios a los más necesitados, y el Centro Latinoamericano de...
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Many socio-economic and environmental trends shape the evolution of freight and passenger transportation, especially within an enormous geographic region such as Europe. The European Union (EU) has launched a major project to build a roadmap of these trends up to 2030 that will ultimately be used to develop a toolkit...
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Numerosas tendencias socioeconómicas y medioambientales configuran la evolución del transporte de mercancías y personas, en particular, dentro de una enorme región geográfica como es Europa. La Unión Europea (UE) ha lanzado un importante proyecto que pretende definir un nuevo modelo de transporte de cara a 2030, que se empleará, en...
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If companies can find better ways to navigate the last mile in traffic-clogged big cities, they will open up new business opportunities in a vast and growing market. The MIT Megacity Logistics Lab is collaborating with leading enterprises to redesign last-mile logistics. Meanwhile, companies may not know it, but they...
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Cuando las empresas consigan encontrar otras formas de recorrer hasta la última milla de las grandes ciudades congestionadas por el tráfico, surgirán nuevas oportunidades de negocio en un amplio y creciente mercado. El Megacity Logistics Lab (Laboratorio de Logística en Mega-ciudades) del MIT (Instituto tecnológico de Massachusetts) está colaborando con...
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Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 The shipyard industry involves complex operations and processes, and it is imperative that there is close cooperation both upstream and downstream in the supply chain if yards are to meet the needs of different customers. In addition, the industry is heavily exposed to...
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El sector naval exige operaciones y procesos complejos y es imprescindible que exista una estrecha cooperación en ambos extremos de la cadena si los astilleros tienen que satisfacer las necesidades de diferentes clientes. Además, este sector está muy expuesto al efecto látigo (o bullwhip effect) ya que la variabilidad comercial...
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Congratulations to SCALE partners Zaragoza Logistics Center and University of Luxembourg for gaining recognition as centers of excellence. ZLC ranked 12 in SCM World's university rankings by region for EMEA. The industry poll recognizes, "universities as markers of supply chain talent." The University of Luxembourg, that hosts the Centre for...
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MISI continues its series of webinars with a talk on June 16, 2016 by Dr. David Gonsalvez, MISI CEO and Rector, on innovations in the supply chain. The talk will cover past and present innovations, as well as new developments on the horizon that could change the way supply chains...
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List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #61 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #61 CTL Jarrod Goentzel “Working Capital and Cash-to-Cash Conversion Cycle Introduction,” MIT CTL Executive Education Course, Cambridge, MA, US, June 8...
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A summary of the publications produced this quarter by the MIT Global SCALE Network Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #61 MISI Javad Feizabadi “An Exploration of the Strategic Antecedents of Firm Supply Chain Agility: The Role of a Firm’s Orientations,” International Journal of Production Economics, May 13. Ioannis Lagoudis...
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The second of five online courses, CTL.SC2x (Supply Chain Design), in MIT CTL’s supply chain MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), opened for enrollment on May 18, 2016. “SC2x explores how you set up and design the entire supply chain system,” says Chris Caplice, Executive Director of the MIT Center for...
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Desde aquí le damos nuestra más sincera enhorabuena al Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) y a la Universidad de Luxemburgo, socios de la red SCALE. El ZLC obtuvo el 12º puesto entre las mejores universidades en materia de gestión de cadenas de suministro de la región de Europa, Oriente Próximo y...
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El Instituto para la Innovación de Cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) continúa su serie de seminarios web con una charla sobre innovaciones en cadenas de suministro que expondrá el Doctor David Gonsalvez, CEO y Rector del MISI, el 16 de junio de 2016. La charla tratará sobre innovaciones presentes...
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El pasado 18 de mayo de 2016 se abrió el plazo de matriculación del segundo de los cinco cursos a través de Internet: CTL.SC2x (Diseño de la cadena de suministro), del programa de cursos online abiertos a todo el público del MIT, también conocidos como MOOC (por sus siglas en...
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Summary Report for the Crossroads 2016 held on March 23, 2016 at MIT. This report is available for MIT CTL partners only . If you are an MIT CTL partner, please log in or create an account to download this paper. If you'd like to learn more about how to...
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Subscribe to Frontiers THE LEADING EDGE SCALE Network Expands With Centers in Luxembourg and China Two new centers in Luxembourg and China extend the SCALE Network’s global reach and its value as a resource for companies worldwide. Stock Markets Have Followed Oil Prices Off a Cliff. What’s Going On? Yossi...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 60. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El curso de verano para ejecutivos: Gestión de la cadena de suministro: impulsar la ventaja estratégica organizado por el Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT (CTL del MIT) se impartirá entre el 7 y el...