The security alarms services market in the United States delivers hardware equipment and services to homeowners and businesses to help monitor and enhance personal property protection. Customer satisfaction via wait time reduction, first call resolution, and cost minimization are key drivers of success to players in this market. Most companies...
Returnable Transport Items (RTI) are a critical component of domestic and international trade. The large variability in the geographic supply and demand of goods shipped using RTI impacts the items overall availability at different locations within a network. This research focuses on improving our partner firm’s RTI inventory supply in...
In manufacturing companies, production strategies prioritize maximizing line efficiency which favors large lot sizes and few setups. On the other hand, logistics strategies prioritize minimizing inventory costs which favors smaller lot sizes and more setups. This thesis provides a new mixed integer linear model formulation that optimizes lot sizes such...
Medical devices companies struggle to balance between inventory and service performance, as the products are non-interchangeable and inventory investment is expensive. To find the right level of inventory, we first used unsupervised clustering method to find demand pattern uncertainty for each product. Then, we developed a simulation-based approach to determine...
Drug counterfeiting is one of the major issues in the pharmaceutical industry across the world. These products could cause damages from ineffective treatments to death of patients. In order to fight against counterfeit drugs, the US government introduced Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) mandating that all prescription drugs should...
Transportation cost is one of the major costs in supply chain. Companies need to optimize every aspect of the transportation process to reduce the total logistics cost. A key aspect is optimal mode selection to minimize the cost of every lane in a company’s transportation network. The traditional approach is...
Supply chains in the pharmaceutical industry are growing increasingly more complex and expanding their geographic reach both in manufacturing production and to the end consumer, the patient. Physical development, manufacturing and distribution of these drugs, both of biologics and small molecules, is extremely technical in science and processes. Additionally, the...
Many businesses struggle to optimize the flow of inventory and finished goods through existing plants and facilities. The integration of inventory costs, organizational processes, and changing business dynamics make it difficult to determine the optimal flow. This thesis examines the flow of raw materials and finished goods through the supply...
On-time delivery is a key metric in the trucking segment of the transportation industry. If on-time delivery can be predicted, more effective resource allocation can be achieved. This research focuses on building a predictive analytics model, specifically logistic regression, given a historical dataset. The model, developed using six explanatory variables...
High volatility in order patterns leads to supply chain wide inefficiencies and high operational costs. This issue is particularly common in the consumer goods industry due to large numbers of SKUs under management and frequent promotions. By leveling out the number of weekly shipments (containing constant quantitates of top selling...
This thesis explores the impact of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) on various stakeholders in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Specific attention has been dedicated to the impact on manufacturers and distributors/retailers. Although various interpretations of the DSCSA are possible, this thesis takes the perspective of a centralized data...
For companies with a large number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), it is extremely challenging, if not impossible, to manage the SKUs individually. Therefore, companies stratify SKUs into different classes and manage them by class. Currently, most companies identify SKU stratification based on the single factor of sales volume. This...
Logistics providers process millions of packages daily and collect an incredible amount of data from these shipments. As new sensors are added to more and more packages, companies will now have increasingly fast access to even more data. However, how will logistics companies leverage this idea of big data to...
Pharmaceutical supply chains are strictly regulated and work within unique constraints. Traditionally, innovator companies that are manufacturing the product have no direct interaction with the end users (treatment sites or individual patients); rather, over 90% of the orders go through intermediary wholesalers and distributors. However, with the introduction of new...
Summary Report for the Crossroads 2017 held on April 4, 2017 at MIT. This report is available for MIT CTL partners only . If you are an MIT CTL partner, please log in or create an account to download this paper. If you'd like to learn more about how to...
The electronic newsletter of the MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #63 THE LEADING EDGE Subscribe to Frontiers Automating Supply Chain Resilience Should Be High on Your Digital Agenda Companies have succeeded in making their supply chains more resilient, but the rise of digital supply chains brings new challenges that require...
El boletín electrónico de la MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #63 ASPECTOS DE VANGUARDIA Subscribirse a Frontiers La automatización de la resiliencia en la cadena de suministro debería ocupar un puesto destacado en la agenda digital Las empresas han logrado hacer sus cadenas de suministro más resilientes, pero el auge...
Substantial investments in supply chain resilience have enabled companies to vastly improve their capacity for bouncing back after a disruption. But the digitization of supply chains is introducing new demands on company operations that require a different approach to building supply chain resilience. With the benefit of digital technologies, companies...
Las inversiones considerables en resiliencia de la cadena de suministro han permitido a las empresas mejorar notablemente su capacidad para recuperarse tras una alteración. Pero la digitalización de las cadenas de suministro plantea nuevas exigencias a las operaciones empresariales que requieren un enfoque distinto para generar resiliencia en la cadena...
Engineering projects carried out in harsh environments require a reliable supply of spare parts. However, providing such a service is challenging when the demand for parts is intermittent and procurement practices lack cohesion. A thesis project completed by Sachin Shedge, a graduate of the MIT-Malaysia Master of Science in Supply...
Los proyectos de ingeniería ejecutados en ambientes hostiles requieren un suministro fiable de piezas de repuesto. Sin embargo, prestar un servicio así es complicado cuando la demanda de piezas es intermitente y las prácticas de compras carecen de cohesión. Un proyecto de tesis realizado por Sachin Shedge, graduado del programa...
Improving supply chain transparency is a high priority for companies, especially in industries such as foodservice, where consumers and regulators are pushing for more information on how products are made and delivered to be publicly available. Increasing product complexity – growing demand for organic and gluten-free foods, for example –...
Mejorar la transparencia de la cadena de suministro es una prioridad máxima para las empresas, sobre todo en industrias como la alimentaria, donde consumidores y reguladores demandan más información sobre cómo se elaboran los productos y se ponen a disposición del público. La creciente complejidad de los productos (una mayor...
The MIT Global SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence) Network has launched the MIT-Zaragoza-Ningbo Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program, or 3C Master’s Program, that gives students a unique opportunity to complete their studies in three continents: Asia, Europe, and North America. The 10-month 3C program...
Tres centros de la Red MIT Global SCALE han lanzado el Programa de Máster de Ingeniería en Logística y Gestión de Cadenas de Suministro MIT-Zaragoza-Ningbo, que ofrece a los alumnos una oportunidad única de estudiar en tres continentes: Asia, Europa y Norteamérica. Los tres centros participantes en el programa 3C...