El sector de la educación no es famoso por estar a la vanguardia en innovación pero el pasado junio se alcanzó un nuevo hito en un novedoso programa a través de Internet que abre nuevas vías a la enseñanza profesional. Conocidos como MicroMasters del MITx, el programa forma parte de...
In Chinese ports, less than container load (LCL) business processes are complicated and inefficient. As container throughput volumes have risen in line with the growth in international trade and economic development, the need to improve LCL processes has become more urgent. The Malaysia Institute of Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) and...
Según diferentes informes de China, los procesos empresariales de carga de contenedores por grupaje (LCL, por sus siglas en inglés) son complicados e ineficientes. Dado que los volúmenes de la capacidad de los contenedores ha aumentado de forma simultánea al crecimiento del comercio internacional y el desarrollo económico, la necesidad...
Groceries need to be stored and transported at different temperatures depending on the nature of each product – so why not rationalize the distribution of these items by accommodating different temperature zones in the same truck? This is the basic rationale of multi-compartment vehicle (MCV) distribution, which is gaining ground...
Los alimentos tienen que almacenarse y transportarse a diferentes temperaturas según la naturaleza de cada producto. Entonces, ¿por qué no racionalizar la distribución de estos productos estableciendo diferentes zonas de temperatura en un mismo camión? En eso consiste básicamente la distribución de vehículos de varios compartimentos (MCV, por sus siglas...
Enterprises engaged in using waste products as raw materials for bio-commodities help companies and countries to meet their sustainability goals. But to be successful they also must be commercially viable. A new research project backed by the European Commission takes a novel approach to evaluating these enterprises, by analyzing the...
Las empresas dedicadas al uso de productos de desecho como materia prima para los productos biológicos ayudan a las empresas y los países a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad. Aunque para tener éxito también deben ser comercialmente viables. Un nuevo proyecto de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea adopta un...
The first-ever cohort in MIT’s inaugural online MicroMasters program – consisting of more than 1,100 learners who completed all five of the online courses in supply chain management – received final MicroMasters certificates and were honored at a virtual ceremony on June 20, 2017. Of those learners who opted to...
El primer grupo, que estaba formado por más de 1100 estudiantes que completaron los cinco cursos a través de Internet, recibieron sus certificaciones finales de MicroMasters y fueron honrados en una ceremonia a través de Internet que tuvo lugar el pasado 20 de junio de 2017 De los estudiantes que...
The Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute China (NSCIIC), Ningbo, China, is the only MicroMasters final exam center in that country. Six candidates from different parts of China took the comprehensive final exam on May 20th, 2017. Zheng Yuan works as a project manager in a well-known auto parts company in...
El Instituto de Innovación en Cadenas de Suministro de Ningbo de China (NSCIIC) es el único centro de China en el que se puede hacer el examen final del programa MicroMasters. Seis estudiantes de diferentes regiones de China se presentaron al examen final completo el pasado 20 de mayo de...
Susana Val has been appointed the new Director of Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC). She is also Principal Investigator for the Transport Research Group, Associate Research Professor at MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, and Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT CTL). Val obtained both PhD and MSc...
La Dr. Susana Val ha sido nombrada directora del Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC). Además, es investigadora principal del Grupo de Investigación de Transporte, profesora asociada de investigación en el Programa de Logística Internacional de MIR-Zaragoza e investigadora afiliada en el Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT. Val...
The MIT SCx Supply Chain Bootcamp will take place at the MIT campus on August 22, 2017. An intensive, highly interactive executive education program, the Bootcamp builds on the learning experience of the SCx learner. Attendees will learn SCx concepts used by managers and executives, using tools and analytics that...
El MIT SCx Supply Chain Bootcamp tendrá lugar el próximo 22 de agosto de 2017 en el campus del MIT. El Bootcamp, un programa de formación intensivo y sumamente interactivo para ejecutivos, se basa en la experiencia de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de SCx. Los asistentes aprenderán conceptos de SCx...
The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) has scheduled its next series of SCPro™ Management Workshop for October and November 2017. The workshops will run over five non-consecutive days and cover supply chain concepts and demand planning, procurement, supply chain management, manufacturing and service operations, transportation and order fulfillment...
El Instituto para la Innovación de Cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) ha programado su próxima serie de Talleres de Gestión SCPro™ para octubre y noviembre de 2017. Los talleres se desarrollarán durante cinco días no consecutivos y abarcarán conceptos sobre la cadena de suministro, la planificación a demanda, procedimientos...
List of presentations cited in, lista de presentaciones citado en Supply Chain Frontiers #64 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #64 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #64 CTL Matthias Winkenbach "Classification of last-mile delivery models for e-commerce distribution – a global perspective”, M. Janjevic and M. Winkenbach...
A list of publications produced this quarter by the (Una lista de las publicaciones producidas en este trimestre por) MIT Global SCALE Network Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #64 | Regresar a Supply Chain Frontiers en Español #64 CTL Yossi Sheffi “A New Class of Education Makes the Grade,”...
Supply chains are facing increasingly volatile environments. Traditional optimization solutions provide a baseline understanding for industry applications, but cost-efficient solutions require a more robust approach. In high-tech capital construction projects, the construction of facilities requires complex project schedules, forecast well in advance. These forecasts are used to hire contract workers...
This research analyzed freight performance to determine the groupings of attributes that influence carrier performance. Binary logistic regression and hierarchical clustering were used to identify individual and groupings of freight attributes that impacted performance success in terms of on time delivery, on time pick up, and first tender acceptance rate...
Supply chain visibility is critical for businesses to manage their operational risks. Availability of high quality and timely data regarding shipments is a precursor for supply chain visibility. This thesis analyses the errors that occur in shipment data for a freight forwarder. In this study, two types of errors are...
Traditionally, production and transportation planning processes are managed separately in organizations. In such arrangements, order processing, load planning, and transportation scheduling are often done sequentially, which can be time consuming. Establishing a proactive steady flow of products between two nodes of a supply chain can bypass this order-plan-ship process. A...
The oil and gas industry is characterized by unpredictable boom and busts cycles. Companies must manage capacity to be able to quickly meet increasing demand during boom cycles and survive when oil prices go down. During this time, companies resort to in-house sourcing (“Make”) or buying externally (“Buy”) from suppliers...
Due to the long lead times and complexity in drug development and approval processes, pharmaceutical companies use long range planning to plan their production for the next 10 years. Capacity planning is largely driven by the long-term demand and its forecast uncertainty. The impact of uncertainties at manufacturing level, such...