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New advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the impact of self-drive vehicle technology and its evolution over the coming years, the policy and legal ramifications of autonomous vehicles, and conversational commerce are some of the developments that supply chain professionals will learn about at Crossroads 2018, April 17, 2018, at the...
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Weichun Chen, a Ph.D. student from College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China, who won first prize in China’s National Postgraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling in 2014, is currently visiting the Luxembourg Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL). Weichun’s research focuses on green supply chains, remanufacturing, dynamic...
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On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, the MIT SCALE Global Network hosted the 10th Annual SCALE Connect Conference Research Expo. Over 200 supply chain master's students presented digital posters of their research projects to more than 200 visiting supply chain professionals and influencers. On display were presentations from the MIT SCALE...
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The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) completed the first joint program under an MoU signed with SME Corp: an executive education program on supply chain management on January 22, 2018, at MISI’s Shah Alam campus. The MoU was signed in 2017. The new program was led by Dr...
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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #66 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #66 CTL Yossi Sheffi “Logistics Clusters: Formation, Growth and Impact,” Cone Multimodal Conference, Recife, Brazil, March 12. “The Environmental Balance,” Intermodal Expo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 13. “Risk and Resilience Management for Competitive Advantage,” BASF...
Publication Date
A list of publications produced this quarter by the MIT Global SCALE Network Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #66 CTL Yossi Sheffi “Narrowing the Self-Drive Truck Divide,” Linkedin Influencer blog post, February 15 “Balancing Green: When to Embrace Sustainability in a Business (and When Not To),” book published by...
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Metal and mineral companies have significant greenhouse gas emissions in their upstream and downstream value chains due to outsourced extraction, beneficiation and transportation activities, depending on a firm’s business model. While many companies move towards more transparent reporting of corporate greenhouse gas emissions, value chain emissions remain difficult to capture...
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This paper addresses frequent and foreseeable floods in the short‐term preparedness of an imminent event using a multicriteria optimization model integrated with a geographical information system to simulate flood levels, determine the best strategies, and update information. The proposed model takes into account the four main relief operations: location of...
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The electronic newsletter of the MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #65 Subscribe to Frontiers THE LEADING EDGE A Framework for Driving Change in Urban Mobility A new book co-authored by Dr. David Gonsalvez, CEO & Rector, Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation, guides us through the mobility challenges faced by...
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Urban mobility architecture must undergo fundamental change in response to rapidly changing city landscapes. In our book Faster, Smarter, Greener – The Future of the Car and Urban Mobility (MIT Press, September 2017) * we proposed a framework for future passenger mobility which would be Connected, Heterogenous, Intelligent and Personalized...
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Managers can’t improve what they can’t measure. In logistics, the absence of a uniform measurement system coupled with a lack of knowledge about evaluating carbon footprints, makes it difficult to develop effective programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A project funded by the European Commission called The Logistics Emissions Accounting...
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Millions of small, family-operated retailers known as nanostores are the main source of consumer packaged goods (CPG) for many consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These mom-and-pop outlets have thrived by offering affordability as well as the right mix of items and convenience, and by gaining the trust of...
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Given the size of the country’s air transportation market, China could have three mega carriers that have the potential to become world-leading players within five to 10 years. But first, the country must address a number of competitive issues. The future of China’s air transportation industry was the central theme...
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Brazil’s largest online retail platform, B2W Companhia Digital, is implementing a reengineered network design, based on a model developed in collaboration with the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL). For the first time, the company is using a network optimization model to assess its operational footprint and provide...
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Over the past two decades, the MIT AgeLab’s Dr. Joseph F. Coughlin has been busting myths about aging with groundbreaking, multidisciplinary research. In his new book, The Longevity Economy: Inside the World’s Fastest-Growing, Most Misunderstood Market (Hatchett Books, 2017), he presents a new portrait of the upcoming cohort of older...
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The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) is providing MIT CTL’s ground-breaking MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management courses to employees in GE’s Operations Management Leadership Program. The first course in the five-course, on-line program, CTL.SC0x Supply Chain Analytics, kicked-off with a special session to familiarize learners...
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The Luxembourg Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) has launched its executive education program with a two-day workshop on Supply Chain Financial Analysis. The workshop, which took place on November 9 and 10 2017 at the University of Luxembourg, bridged the gap between finance and supply chain by...
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A six-month research project on price volatility in air transportation was concluded recently at the Luxembourg Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL). The research was carried out by visiting PhD candidate Chiara Morlotti for her PhD thesis, and was supervised by LCL’s Professor Benny Martin. The research looked...
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Ningbo Supply Chain and Innovation Institute China (NSCIIC) hosted a launch event for the book The Future of The Car and Urban Mobility by Dr. Venkat Sumantran, Professor Charles Fine and Dr. David Gonsalvez, on October 25, 2017 in Ningbo, China (see the feature article A Framework for Driving Change...
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List of presentations cited in Supply Chain Frontiers #65 Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #65 CTL Eva Ponce “Exploring the E-Credentialing Space,” Credentialing Lunch & Learn @ HBP (Harvard Business Publishing), MITx MicroMasters Credential in SCM. Yossi Sheffi “Economic Growth and Logistics Development,” Government of Pernambuco, Brazil, November 28...
Publication Date
A list of publications produced this quarter by the MIT Global SCALE Network Back to Supply Chain Frontiers issue #65 CTL Alexis Bateman “Urban Adaptations and Innovations in Bangkok, Thailand: A Case Study of 7-Eleven.” In: “Reaching 50 Million Nanostores: Retail Distribution in Emerging Megacities,” Edited by E. Blanco &...
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The Black Carbon Methodology for the Logistics Sector provides guidance for the voluntary measurement and reporting of black carbon emissions. This report provides guidelines for calculating black carbon emissions resulting from the movement of freight by air, inland waterways, rail, road and sea, as well as transhipment centers. In keeping...
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The electronic newsletter of the MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #64 Subscribe to Frontiers THE LEADING EDGE A New Class of Education Makes the Grade The MicroMasters supply chain management program created by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics has drawn more than 190,000 learners from across the globe...
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El boletín electrónico de la MIT Global SCALE Network Issue #64 ASPECTOS DE VANGUARDIA Subscribirse a Frontiers Un nuevo tipo de formación que da la talla El programa de gestión de cadenas de suministro MicroMasters creado por el Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT (Instituto Tecnológico de...
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The education industry is not known for being on the cutting edge of innovation, but this June a milestone was reached in an innovative online program that opens new avenues to professional education. Called MITx MicroMasters, the program is part of a broader movement to redefine the way professional education...