Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿Debería Colombia desarrollar un cluster logístico? Este será el tema central de la 71ª Asamblea Nacional ANDI, que se celebrará el 13 de agosto de 2015 en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. El Profesor Yossi Sheffi del MIT CTL...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Cuando un cambio de estrategia no va acompañado de una nueva forma de diseñar las cadenas de suministro, el resultado puede ser más costes y menos eficacia. Este ha sido el caso del sector minorista, puesto que algunas...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. MIT CTL organizará un taller sobre finanzas en cadenas de suministro y una mesa redonda sobre resiliencia los días 27 y 28 de octubre de 2015, respectivamente, en el MIT. El Taller sobre finanzas en cadenas de suministro...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El proyecto europeo Smart-Rail se inició en mayo de este año con una financiación cercana a los 6 millones de euros (casi 7 millones de dólares) procedentes de la Comisión Europea (CE), y tiene como meta que este...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. OnProcess Technology, pionera global en gestión de cadenas de suministro (GCS) para servicios y optimización, se ha unido al Programa de Intercambio sobre Cadenas de Suministro del Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT. “El enfoque...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 58. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Zaragoza Logistics Center, situado en Zaragoza (España), ha introducido dos programas de formación que ofrecen a los ejecutivos oportunidades para profundizar sus conocimientos sobre la disciplina de gestión de la cadena de suministro y los rigores de...
Subscribe to Frontiers THE LEADING EDGE Connecting Supply Chains to the Internet of Things The global network of objects that exchange data via embedded sensors – known as the Internet of Things – has the potential to revolutionize everyday communications. A MISI thesis research project looked at the supply chain...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 How will supply chains be affected by the Internet of Things (IoT)? BASF, the world’s largest chemical company and a strategic partner of the MIT Global SCALE Network, posed this question as a topic for a master’s thesis at the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 MIT CTL will host a workshop on supply chain finance and resilience roundtable on October 27 and 28, 2015 respectively at MIT. The Supply Chain Finance Workshop will focus on how supply chain actions affect the income statement and balance sheet – two key financial...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 Should Colombia develop a logistics cluster? This will be the central theme of the ANDI 71th National Assembly, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, August 13, 2015. MIT CTL Director Professor Yossi Sheffi will participate in the discussions, and give a presentation based on his book Logistics...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 OnProcess Technology, a global pioneer in service supply chain management (SCM) and optimization, has joined the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ Supply Chain Exchange Program. “The approach companies take to managing their global supply chain has an enormous impact on their top and bottom...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 MISI Javad Feizabadi “An Investigation in the Effectiveness of Strategy Theories in Explaining Supply Chain Performance Using Archival Data,” The 2015 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems,” Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, August 27 – 29. With co-presenters Motlagh Alibakhshi, Mahender Singh...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 MISI David Gligor “To Be or Not To Be (Loyal): is There a Recipe for Customer Loyalty in the B to B Context?” Journal of Business Research, 2015. With co-authors C. Autry and I. Russo. Shardul Phadnis “Effect of Scenario Planning on Field Experts’ Judgment...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 When a change in strategy is not accompanied by a change in the way supporting chains are designed, the result can be more cost and less efficiency. This has happened in the retail sector, where some companies are shifting towards small format stores but are...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 The European Smart-Rail project launched this May with nearly 6 million Euros (around $7 million) of funding from the European Commission (EC), aims to make the mode a better option for commercial freight in Europe. Nineteen organizations are participating in the project, which has an...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 Whether it is called tracking, tracing, or supply chain visibility, the central goal of identifying and following the movement of products across the end-to-end supply chain has become more important. Companies need to keep tabs on product movements to meet sustainability, risk management, quality, and...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #58 The Zaragoza Logistics Center, Zaragoza, Spain, has introduced two education programs that offer executives opportunities to delve deeper into the supply chain management discipline and the rigors of building supply chain resiliency. ZLC’s Executive Education Program Supply Chain is aimed at executives with at least...
Supply chain resiliency is a relatively new field within supply chain management. Many quantitative and qualitative resiliency frameworks are available. However, there is a need for a hybrid framework that provides a more comprehensive resiliency assessment. In this thesis, we attempt to synthesize important features from different assessment frameworks and...
Airfreight forwarding companies must develop accurate forecasting tools to analyze the suitability and attractiveness of each incoming bidding process, to decide whether to participate in a tender and how to define the optimal commercial strategy. The “1:6” weight/volume ratio establishes that whenever the cargo ratio is different from 1:6 (1m...
Non-asset backed third-party logistics companies provide shippers access to a flexible source of capacity through transportation carrier spot market. The increased volatility in the trucking spot market rates is turning the 3PL businesses more risky and complex. To maximize profitability, a better understanding of the risk and the volatility patterns...
The handicraft sector in Morocco represents more than 9% of the nation’s GDP and employs 2.3 million people. However, despite their talent and expertise, Morocco’s artisans are struggling to reach markets other than local regional or national markets. The main distribution model used so far has been the classic retail...
Optimization models are a commonly used tool to identify cost efficient network flows. Complexity increases when various products move across different paths and transportation modes within one network. To address the challenges posed by this complexity, this thesis develops a mixed integer linear programming model for a uniform rental company...
A challenging part of E-Commerce for perishable consumer packaged goods (PCPG) is the fulfillment. Given the fragile nature of the items shipped, they require a low cost, effective cold chain fulfillment method so as to keep integrity, ensure speed at an affordable low cost for the end consumer. Our research...
Natural disasters such as the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 can have catastrophic effects on businesses. This type of unexpected event can cause millions of dollars in damages, lost sales and can impact company stock performance. With 39% of supply disruptions occurring at indirect suppliers, companies...