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Pharmaceutical companies operating in Africa are well positioned to contribute to the United Nations’ ongoing efforts to improve access to medicine in Africa. This thesis explores how access to finance for businesses in the Ugandan private pharmaceutical supply chain affects access to medicine for end patients. Specifically, we consider three...
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Improvement in sales forecasting allows firms not only to respond quickly to customers’ needs but also to reduce inventory costs, ultimately increasing their profits. Sales forecasts have been studied extensively to improve their accuracy in many different fields. However, for automotive batteries, it is very difficult to develop a highly...
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This thesis focuses on a medical device manufacturer, DeCo, which offers surgical instruments to customers at no cost in order to facilitate the sale of implantable products that require the use of such instruments. DeCo is facing challenges in managing the supply chain for these outsourced instruments, such as long...
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Promotions involve a complicated interplay of factors and are a result of a synchronized sequence of activities between manufacturers and retailers. The outcome of promotions pivot on several elements beyond the control of any one party in the supply chain. ‘How’ a promotion performed has a more straight forward answer...
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Demand planning affects the subsequent business activities including distribution center operational planning and management. Today's competitive environment requires distribution centers to rapidly respond to changes in the quantity and nature of demand. For the distribution center, accurate forecasts will help managers to accordingly plan operational activities. In the present thesis...
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Retailers are exploring more efficient ways to deliver to small format stores that demand frequent and small volume deliveries from Distribution Centers. The need to deliver products at different temperatures, viz. Ambient, Refrigerated and Frozen, reduces volumes that need to be delivered for each product category. One way to make...
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As the US economy recovers from the recession of 2008, demand for freight transportation is getting stronger. However, the trucking industry is not ready to take on this growth in volume due to a shortage of truck drivers. From a shipper's perspective, availability of transportation is an important concern that...
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This thesis focuses on the study of the carrier-shipper relationships in the US trucking market. It uses data provided by a leading third party logistics (3PL) company to explore and determine whether a relationship exists between the prices charged by the carriers and the performance that they provide to the...
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The procurement and sourcing group of OG company was tasked to systematically forecast, design and develop the future state of the company’s next generation supply base. The main objective is to anticipate the preferred locations to source commodities such as machine parts from in the near future. In response to...
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Globalized companies seek growth while dealing with more complex and compelling challenges such as economic volatility, fluctuating commodity prices, supply-­‐‑chain inefficiencies and increasing customer expectations. While companies cannot control all of these challenges, there is much they can do to remain competitive. Companies can gain competitive edge through improved demand...
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Many firms introduce new distinct products more quickly than they remove old products, and some firms have also established larger distribution networks to increase service levels or support new markets. This research applies ordinary least-squares regression and a simulation approach to identify the relationship between increased complexity and inventory levels...
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Retail fashion sales inherently involve the promotion and presentation of products that need to be differentiated from all other products in the crowded market. While the products themselves can exhibit some unique characteristics, the actual presentation of the products can help to make them appear unique and lend additional perceived...
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The current consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is primarily designed as a customer oriented supply chain; this means that it is designed to fulfill orders from the distribution centers or stores of the retailers. The question posed by retailers and vendors is how might a consumer (not customer) oriented supply...
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Subscribe to Frontiers THE LEADING EDGE The Myth of a Single Truckload Market Rate The traditional method used to calculate lane based market rates in truckload (TL) transportation is deeply flawed. In fact, research carried out by Dr. Chris Caplice, Executive Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, shows that...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. En el actual entorno empresarial vertiginoso, los gestores de cadenas de suministro deben aprovechar cualquier oportunidad para poner al día sus habilidades y conocimientos para estar siempre un paso adelante. El curso de Formación Ejecutiva del Centro para...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Dr. David Gonsalvez será nombrado Rector del Instituto para la Innovación de las cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) el 1 de Julio de 2015. Sucederá al Dr. Mahender Singh, que el 30 de junio de 2015...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Muchos ejecutivos de cadenas de suministro creen en y esperan disponer de una cuota de cargas de camión (CC) única generalmente aceptada para cualquier ruta. Se conoce habitualmente con el nombre de cuota de mercado para una ruta...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Foro de investigación sobre cadenas de suministro globales 2015 del Zaragoza Logistics Center se celebrará los próximos 25 y 26 de mayo en Zaragoza (España). Se han organizado dos eventos en el marco del Foro. Durante el...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Instituto para la Innovación de las cadenas de Suministro de Malasia (MISI) acogerá en 2015 el Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Economistas Marítimos (IAME). Su celebración está prevista entre el 24 y el 26 de agosto...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los estudiantes de máster que se gradúan cada año en el programa de Gestión de cadenas de suministro del Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT presentan sus proyectos de tesis a los miembros del Supply...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Se ha abierto el plazo de inscripción en el Curso de verano en línea SC1x Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals (Aspectos fundamentales de las cadenas de suministro y la logística), impartido por el Centro para el Transporte y...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Para que Colombia despliegue al máximo su enorme potencial económico, debe mejorar la eficacia de sus sistemas de transporte de mercancías. Con todo, los organismos gubernamentales a escala nacional y regional responsables de la planificación y la construcción...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue #57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentes en cualquier lugar MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Megacity Logistics,” Supply Chain Management Driving Strategic Advantage, Curso de Formación Ejecutiva del MIT CTL, Cambridge, MA (EE.UU.), 11 de junio Chris Caplice "Preparing for the Future" Fort Worth, TX para...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Está previsto que la Academia de verano del Zaragoza Logistics Center desarrolle sus actividades entre el 1 y el 10 de julio de este año en Zaragoza (España). La Academia es un foro para estudiantes de posgrado de...
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Supply Chain Frontiers issue n.º 57. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Cuando los empleados acceden a nuevos puestos o abandonan un empleo o una empresa, a menudo se llevan consigo un conocimiento tribal 1 valioso. Una plataforma de redes sociales destinada a retener este conocimiento en el proceso de...