New Logistics For All

February 02, 2011 • News

If each freight shipment en route worldwide in a single day – by highway, rail, air, and sea – were a point of light, our planet would appear as an incredible snarl of illuminated string. The global economy is in constant motion as a rapidly evolving, changing, and inter-related system. Supporting this vast network of shipments is a highly sophisticated infrastructure directing and tracking the movement of goods via the Internet, underlying and enabling the new worldwide marketplace.

Will Change in Supply Chains Bring Manufacturing Back to the Western Hemisphere?

February 02, 2011 • News

U.S. brands should begin developing dual supply chains to enhance fulfillment capabilities, lower their carbon footprint and prepare for changes in China, an expert in supply chain risk management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) told an audience at Outdoor Retailer Winter Market last month. By 2030, specialty manufacturing will be back in the Western Hemisphere and maybe even in the United States,” predicted Dr. Bruce C. Arntzen, Senior Research Director for the Center for Transportation and Logistics at MIT.

SMART Wheel Earns NH Children a Beltway Audience

January 26, 2011 • News

Tackling distracted driving is a matter of national debate, but few would expect six home-schooled children from Londonderry, N.H., to propose a solution so promising they’ve already met with President Obama and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

The Inventioneers, as they call themselves, comprise two families of siblings, ages 10 to 16: T.J., Jaiden and Bryeton Evarts, and Paige, Emily and Kate Balcom. Their motto, appropriately, is “inventing to save lives.”

How Boomer Bodysuits Help Researchers Empathize with the 50+ Crowd

January 12, 2011 • News

Rozanne Puleo and Lisa D'Ambrosio Research fellow and research scientist, MIT Agelab
Cambridge, Massachusetts, use a suit called AGNES (the age gain now empathy system) to research the changing needs of boomers.

Annual Review Plus Outlook 2011

January 10, 2011 • News

Finding the talent to fill supply chain positions will be a top issue in 2011.

Although unemployment is expected to remain stubbornly high in 2011, tackling the issue of talent shortages will figure highly on the to-do lists of senior supply chain managers over the next year and beyond. And leading educators will step up to the plate to help the industry develop a more effective talent pipeline.

Join the Finance Revolution

January 10, 2011 • News

Major changes underway in supply chain thinking can improve company profitability. To participate in this fundamental transformation, MIT Senior Lecturer Jonathan L.S. Byrnes says supply chain managers need to take three important steps.

Supply chain management is a relatively young discipline, yet it is already undergoing significant changes. These changes stem from two important developments that are connected with the shift from logistics to the more comprehensive discipline of supply chain management:

2011's Hottest Job you Never Thought of

December 27, 2010 • News

Hiring next year will heat up in several fields, including one with a decidedly unglamorous image: supply chain management.

Everybody has heard by now that health care companies are promising hunting grounds for job seekers, and the New Year will see hiring perk up elsewhere, too.

But when you think of fields where there just aren't enough skilled candidates to go around, one that probably doesn't come to mind is supply chain management: The complicated, behind-the-scenes work of getting goods from one place to another, on time and on budget.

3 Questions: Joseph Coughlin on aging and driving

November 18, 2010 • News

An aging population brings with it a new set of demands — such as the need to ensure safety among older drivers. As the Baby-Boomer generation begins reaching retirement age, this seems likely to become a growing concern. Joseph Coughlin, the founder and director of MIT’s AgeLab, and director of the New England University Transportation Center, testified this week in Washington at a forum on aging and driving held by the National Transportation Safety Board.

AgeLab: MIT researchers test automatic parallel parking

November 05, 2010 • News

AgeLab study: Driver-assistance systems can increase wellness and safety behind the wheel

Any driver knows it can be hard to remain calm behind the wheel. But perhaps high-tech tools can help. A new study by MIT researchers, announced Thursday, suggests that driver-assistance technologies lower the amount of stress people feel when behind the wheel.

Read the full news article at MIT News.

Sheffi Says 100% Screening of Air Cargo Is `Unrealistic'

November 05, 2010 • News

Yossi Sheffi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of the school's Center for Transportation and Logistics, discusses the outlook for air cargo security following last week's discovery of explosive devices in packages. Greek police detonated a parcel bomb addressed to the French Embassy in Athens today and are investigating at least two more packages, the latest in a spate of mail bombings targeting embassies and European leaders. Sheffi speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television's "Bottom Line."

Yossi Sheffi on CNBC's Executive Vision November 1, 2010

October 28, 2010 • Press Releases

Yossi Sheffi (Elisha Gray II professor of engineering systems and civil & environmental engineering, director of the MIT Engineering Systems Division, and director of the Center for Transportation and Logistics) will be featured in an upcoming episode of the CNBC series Executive Vision. The series, now in its second season, is a "global strategy session" in which host Simon Hobbs and a panel of renowned experts and leaders discuss provocative issues affecting major business sectors.

2025: A Lot of Old People on the Roads

October 19, 2010 • News

Joseph F. Coughlin is the founder and director of the AgeLab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and leads the New England University Transportation Center. He is co-editor, with Lisa D’Ambrosio, of the forthcoming book "Aging America and Transportation."

Contingency Planning: Lost at Sea

October 18, 2010 • News

When a Vermillion Oil platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico early last month, the event extended a raging debate over deep-water drilling that started last April with the BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. While the environmental consequences and billions of dollars in costs to clean up these spills hold immense consequences, there is another, overlooked dimension to the debate: the vulnerability of the country’s ports to such calamities.

A study of the U.S. port system under way at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center

Jhonatan Rotberg receives award from Discovery Channel and Quo Science Magazine

October 15, 2010 • Press Releases

On October 13, 2010, an alliance between the Discovery Channel and Quo science magazine (Mexico) had an event to celebrate "Quo+Discovery Minds." This is a nationwide search for the most innovative ideas and projects developed by Mexican citizens in the last 10 years.  

New England Center Researchers Awarded IEEE Best Paper

September 29, 2010 • Press Releases

New England Center Researchers Awarded IEEE Best Paper CTL AgeLab student Ji Hyun (MIT PhD '08) and co-authors Zhi-Hong Mao, Louis Tijerina, Tom Pilutti, Joseph F. Coughlin and Eric Feron won the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society (SMCS) Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award for their article, "Detection of driver fatigue caused by sleep deprivation."

Scaling Back on Supply During Recession Could Leave Companies Stranded During Recovery

September 22, 2010 • News

A recent study by Vinod Singhal of Georgia Tech and Yossi Sheffi of MIT indicates that companies experiencing a supply chain disruption suffered between a 33% and 40% decline in stock price, compared with industry peers over a three year period.

How Sustainability Creates New Opportunities

July 21, 2010 • News

Supply chain managers are uniquely positioned to consider - and benefit from - sustainability initiatives. Edgar Blanco of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics says there are four key opportunities.

Supply Chain Trends to Watch

July 01, 2010 • News

The operation and management of today's global supply chain continues to challenge executives worldwide. The supply chain experts interviewed here identified about a dozen trends currently under study, offering a peak into what could affect supply chains in the near future.

Reemphasizing Value of Duplicate Safety Systems

June 17, 2010 • News

Airliners can lose one engine and keep flying. Nuclear power plants have two cooling systems, in case one fails. In an explosion, coal mines must allow miners two paths to escape.

So why didn’t BP have a working Plan B?

Coping with Economies of Scope

June 14, 2010 • News

Or, what happens when the big gorilla grabs all the bananas?

Wal-Mart Stores recently started an initiative to take control of the inbound transportation of products from its vendors to its own distribution centers and, in some cases, direct to its own stores.

As reported by Bloomberg, Kelly Abney, Wal-Mart’s vice president of corporate transportation, indicated Wal-Mart would take over deliveries of inbound freight where they can reduce costs.

CTL Announces Contract Extension with Government of Aragón

June 01, 2010 • Press Releases


Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) to be a worldwide model in Supply Chain Management

Fresh connections

May 16, 2010 • News

Conscious of  these shortcomings and with an eye to expanding its global  influence, MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) teamed with the Bogotá-based consultancy LOGyCA in 2008 to create an education and research facility in the city aimed at  helping graduates and educators to tackle the issue.

Protection: Strategies for reducing risk and staying ahead of your competitor

May 10, 2010 • News

Companies routinely invest large amounts of money in research and development to delivery to best products to bea the competition. While the latest technology, sharpest design and lowest cost are important, there's another secret that many companies overlook: the supply chain.

Making A Chain of Connections throughout Latin America

May 07, 2010 • News

MIT has teamed up to create an education and research facility to address the region's poor infrastructure.

How Do You Prevent Volcano-Sized Risks? You Don't.

April 27, 2010 • News

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." That's what we were taught in school. An international survey of attitudes towards supply-chain risk carried out by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics affirms that the adage has sunk in: Professional managers worldwide show a marked preference for prevention over response when it comes to managing risk. But as Iceland's volcano has so vividly shown, we can't prevent — let alone anticipate — all disruptions. Companies need to pay a lot more attention to the response side of the crisis-management equation.