Wal-Mart gives suppliers a deadline to disclose factory details

April 15, 2013 • News

Today is the deadline for companies that make products for Wal-Mart to tell the retail giant exactly which factories they work with. The requirement comes after a fire at a clothing factory in Bangladesh last year killed more than a hundred people.

Commerce’s call to action

April 12, 2013 • News

Thomas J. Donahue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called for a new push for immigration reform as part of a larger business-oriented economic agenda in remarks at MIT yesterday.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce favors changes in immigration policy in order to, among other things, help highly trained workers with technical skills join the U.S. workforce more easily. However, as Donahue noted, immigration policy is the subject of charged debate, which means reform may not come easily.

New Research By The Hartford And MIT AgeLab Shows Positive Effects Of Exercise On Mature Drivers

April 02, 2013 • News

Exercise can enhance certain aspects of flexibility and range of motion for mature drivers according to The Hartford Center for Mature Market Excellence and MIT AgeLab's Exercise for Mature Drivers research.

Boom Times on the Tracks: Rail Capacity, Spending Soar

March 27, 2013 • News

Major freight railroads are in the midst of a building boom unlike anything since the industry’s Gilded Age heyday in the 19th century — this year pouring $14 billion into rail yard, refueling stations and additional track, the WSJ reports on A1. The current race isn’t about expanding geographically— it’s about making existing rail lines more efficient and able to haul more types of freight. U.S. freight demand is projected to grow by half, to $27.5 billion by 2040, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Talent Strategies: The Challenge of Developing and Retaining Talent

March 15, 2013 • News

Hiring the right people for key supply chain positions is a critical success factor for companies. Wrong hires can be costly both financially and emotionally for all the parties involved. Yet in my experience most organizations have not adopted a systematic approach to talent management (TM). This article sheds light on why many organizations find it difficult to retain talent, and proposes a framework for more effective TM.

Read the full article here.

The Next Generation Supply Chain Leader

February 25, 2013 • News

Blog by Christopher Rusell

The Psychology of Risk

February 13, 2013 • News

Supply chain practitioners make countless decisions every day without really understanding the mental processes that underpin their choices. Recent studies on these cerebral interactions have shed light on the psychology of risk, an emerging factor in risk management decision making. Operations leaders can help their teams—and themselves—to make more informed decisions and avoid common errors of judgment by being aware of these psychological influences.

Collaborating with a competitor, company finds big savings and “green” dividend by streamlining logistics

January 31, 2013 • Press Releases

MIT-authored case study shows cost, greenhouse gas reductions from increased efficiency and collaboration in logistics operations

Learning to Partner with Academia

December 06, 2012 • News

Whether it’s a burning question that needs to be answered or a gap in your knowledge that has the potential to yield some valuable insights, taking the time to do the research – assuming you have the right resources – is often a tall order. Partnering with academia is one way to get the work done. But how can you make sure that your academic partners will deliver? There are no standard rules for such engagements, and projects vary widely in terms of their scope, subject matter, and goals

Read more here.

Logistics Clusters as Drivers of Growth: Interview With Yossi Sheffi

November 26, 2012 • News

 Yossi Sheffi may have his roots in engineering, but he has brought his scientific perspective and a seemingly boundless curiosity to bear on transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. Sheffi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is the director of the school's Center for Transportation and Logistics as well as its Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) degree program.

What Can Logistics Do For You?

November 20, 2012 • News

 A couple of decades ago, visitors to the quiet city of Zaragoza, Spain, had no reason to think it would become a capital of world trade. But in 2000, the city opened Europe’s largest logistics hub, called PLAZA — and now Zaragoza is a key global shipping link, connecting manufacturers, suppliers and distributors, among others involved in international commerce.

The MIT Global SCALE Network chooses The Fresh Connection for the 2013 SCALE Challenge

October 10, 2012 • Press Releases

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 9, 2012 – The MIT Global SCALE Network chose The Fresh Connection (value chain learning experience) to serve as the platform for the 2013 SCALE Challenge. This is a four month long supply chain simulation exercise that includes all 98 students from the four masters-level programs within the SCALE Network.

How Better Typography Could Reduce Car Crashes

September 25, 2012 • News

The basic interior of the automobile changed little in the latter half of the 20th century. “You had the steering wheel, the gas pedal, the brakes. And the display in there might have been providing a digital readout of the radio station,” says Bryan Reimer, a research scientist at the MIT AgeLab. In the last decade, though, those displays have grown so sophisticated--or, rather, distracting--that even the typefaces used in them could impact how you drive, the lab’s latest study suggests.

Driving Growth and Employment Through Logistics

September 20, 2012 • News

In recent decades, numerous industrial clusters have developed around the world. Some of the best known are the knowledge clusters around Silicon Valley (for information technology), Hollywood (for entertainment), and Boston (for life sciences). In each case, one of the most powerful lures for companies and employees has been knowledge spillover. Strong clusters are ecosystems of venture capital resources, universities, research centers, employers, highly skilled workers and institutions for collaborations, such as chambers of commerce.

New Research By The Hartford And MIT AgeLab Reveals Top Ten Car Technologies For Mature Drivers

September 19, 2012 • Press Releases

 Smart headlights, emergency response systems and reverse monitoring features rank highest

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Smart headlights, emergency response systems and reverse monitoring features rank highest in car technologies that benefit mature drivers according to The Hartford and MIT AgeLab's Top Technologies for Mature Drivers Research.

The Culture-Talent Management Connection

September 14, 2012 • News

Corporate culture—or a lack thereof—shapes an organization’s value system. And the values that characterize a company influence the types of individuals it hires, how they perform in the organization, and how long they stay in the job.

Guest Commentary: Next Generation of Visualization and User Interaction

September 06, 2012 • News

by Fabrizio Brasca

Logistical Hub in Panama Strengthened by Damco and EBL Partnership

August 21, 2012 • News

A partnership to promote imports and re-exports of apparel and fashion between Asia, the Colon Free Zone (CFZ) and Latin American destinations was signed by the Panamanian company Exclusive Brands Logistics Corp (EBL) and Damco Panama. According to spokesmen, the logistics deal is the first of its nature for the fashion industry in Panama. The hub will handle approximately 35,000 cubic metres of goods per year.

New Book Explains Value of "Logistics Clusters" to Companies, Economies

August 21, 2012 • News

No man is an island, wrote the poet John Donne—and according to a new book by Yossi Sheffi, the same could be said of logistics operations. Sheffi, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Transportation and Logistics, believes companies gain a competitive advantage by locating their transportation and distribution operations within "logistics clusters"—geographically concentrated sets of logistics-related business activities—instead of in an isolated area.

Will Robot Cars Get Stuck in Policy Traffic?

August 19, 2012 • News

Imagine cars driving themselves seamlessly and safely down the highway. Gone are traffic jams, crazy drivers, and commute-induced headaches. A vision of the future? Actually, no, this was the vision of the 1939 World's Fair and an idea that has come, come again, and now seems closer than ever before. A combination of technological availability, continuing safety concerns, and escalating congestion and energy problems fuel transportation researcher and policy-maker dreams of robotic vehicles.

What Makes an Effective Analytics Group

July 12, 2012 • News

If you don't have one already, there is a fair chance that an analytics group (AG) will become part of your supply chain organization at some point soon. This type of resource is attracting more interest partly in response to the increasing complexity and strategic importance of supply chains. Other drivers are the growing volume of market data that companies need to interpret and the availability of more sophisticated analytical tools.

MIT to Launch the Megacity Logistics Lab at Crossroads Event

June 20, 2012 • Press Releases

New lab conducts ground-breaking research on megacity supply chains

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 19, 2012 – The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) will launch the Megacity Logistics Lab at its Crossroads 2012 conference, June 28, 2012, on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA, USA. How to design, build, and manage the supply chains that are critical to the sustainable growth and operation of these giant urban centers is the main focus of the new research initiative.

5 Rules for Carbon-Efficient Shipping

June 15, 2012 • News

Making sustainability central to logistics decisions is smart business but requires closer collaboration and creative thinking by shippers, suppliers, packagers and retailers. That's the conclusion of participants in a GreenBiz.com webcast this week. "Start by thinking about savings opportunities," said Stephen Silva, senior vice president of global logistics for toymaker Hasbro, during the webcast, "Smart Moves: Supply-Chain Decisions that Save Fuel, Cut Costs and Reduce Emissions." "They will go hand-in-hand with the environment and emissions.

How to Implement an S&OP "Rudder"

May 18, 2012 • News

Larry Lapide, research affiliate at MIT's Center for Transportation and Logistics, deploys a maritime metaphor to dramatize the pressing need for companies to implement an effective sales and operations planning (S&OP) process.

View the video here.


Managing the Expat Talent Option

May 10, 2012 • News

With increasing focus on supply chain performance, the recruiting, hiring, and retention of logistics and SC talent is becoming a key differentiator for companies competing in global markets. But as companies have expanded internationally, the demand for supply chain and logistics talent has also become international in scope. As a result, multinational companies with sources and markets on opposite ends of the earth face a significant staffing challenge: Finding the talent to support current and future growth across countries.