Disconnects in the Distracted-Driving Blame Game

April 30, 2012 • News

In 1930, former Massachusetts state senator George Parker tried to ban car radios because they were too distracting. He invoked the ire of both the Radio Manufacturers Association and motorists, who loved driving to music, even though early radios were expensive and sometimes burst into flames. After consumers protested at his office, Parker dropped the effort and decided to focus on drunken driving instead.

MIT AgeLab Scientist Bryan Reimer on the Perils of Driver Distraction

April 29, 2012 • News

The driver’s seat is a fascinating setting in which to study HUMAN DECISION MAKING. Where else do you have people practicing a highly learned activity with a major safety implication involved with failure? Hands-free technology can allow a driver to keep both hands on the wheel. However, it may not offer all the SAFETY ADVANTAGES that many believe.

28th Annual Salary Survey: Pulling Away from the Pack

April 22, 2012 • News

The highest logistics and supply chain salaries continue to be earned by those who concentrate on adapting new technological advances and maintain a life-long commitment to learning.

According to the findings of Logistics Management’s (LM) 28th Annual Salary Survey conducted by Peerless Media Research Group (PRG), average earnings and compensation have actually leveled off over the past year. However, our research team also found that an aging workforce is giving way to younger, more highly trained professionals who also happen to be savvy technologists.

Sustainability Report Gets White House Attention

April 09, 2012 • News

The MIT SMR – BCG 2012 Sustainability and Innovation research report “Sustainability Nears a Tipping Point” prompted an invitation to participate in a White House Sustainable Supply Chain Dialogue on March 30 in Washington, DC.

Global Trends Roundtable

March 19, 2012 • News

What are the major developments that will impact supply chain professionals in the months and years ahead? What challenges will they face in helping their companies compete in an increasingly global environment?

Is Talent Management the Next Frontier for S&OP?

March 19, 2012 • News

Supply chain management is not the only function that is grappling with the problems of matching supply and demand in a highly uncertain business environment. HR faces similar challenges. But with HR, the mandate is to deliver people--not products-to the right place, at the right time, at the right quality, and in the right quantity. In fact, the "personnel supply chain" obeys many of the principles that govern its goods-carrying counterpart.

Behind the Wheel: Not all Distractions are Equal

March 16, 2012 • News

As carmakers and lawmakers draw up plans for combating distracted driving, new research from MIT shows that drivers can lose focus even with their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. Furthermore, the level of distraction that drivers encounter can best be measured in shades of gray rather than black and white.

The Future of Vehicle Safety

March 14, 2012 • News

Paul Hunter takes us for a ride into the future. He looks at technology that could save drivers from themselves, but there is a downside.

View the full news segment here.

Bridging the Gap Between HR and SCM

February 16, 2012 • News

There is much debate in supply chain management circles about how the profession can meet the demand for talent. The SCM community is putting a lot of effort into finding and developing career minded individuals, but it also has to rely on human resources departments to create effective employment programs. Are these HR practitioners up to the task?

Read the full article here.

Sustainability Contributing to Company Profits

February 06, 2012 • News

Edgar Blanco, a research director at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, says that although companies may find the collaboration process challenging, it is essential: “If you’re going to focus your strategy on carbon reduction or environmental impact or social impact, you need to engage your suppliers. Without them, you cannot succeed.”

Read the full article here.

2012 Cross-Border Roundtable: Will Hemispheric Trade Gain Traction

February 01, 2012 • News

While Mexico and Canada remain our primary international trade opportunity, LM’s analyst panel tell us that bolder players will be exploring more distant markets once the Panama Canal expansion is complete. 

Driving the green

February 01, 2012 • News

New study suggests that electric-powered trucks will save money for businesses.

Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office

A company looking to purchase an electric-powered delivery truck today will likely experience some sticker shock: Such a vehicle costs nearly $150,000, compared to about $50,000 for the same kind of truck with a standard internal-combustion engine.

MIT Selected by US Department of Transportation to Lead New England Consortium on Transportation Safety & Livable Communities

January 23, 2012 • Press Releases
The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) is pleased to announce that MIT has been selected to lead the US Department of Transportation Research & Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) University Transportation Center for the New England Region. The University Transportation Centers Program strives to advance research and education programs that address critical transportation challenges facing our nation.

Best of Both Worlds - Rail-truck intermodal shipping combines the best of each transportation mode, making global trade economical and efficient.

December 15, 2011 • News

What was intended as a way to reduce traffic congestion on the highways through short-sea shipping along the East Coast more than 50 years ago has ended up playing a key role in making offshore manufacturing in low-cost locations across the globe economically viable. The innovative use of large metal containers to ship goods eventually led to the development of an intermodal transportation system that today is the unsung hero of global trade.

Mega-Cities in Emerging Markets Pose Special Logistics Challenges

December 15, 2011 • News

SupplyChainBrain caught up with Dr. Edgar Blanco at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, in Philadelphia.

Read the full interview here.

Onsite Relationships: Challenging But Rewarding

November 16, 2011 • News

Companies commonly use outsourcing as a means to lower costs or cover an area of supply chain expertise they currently lack. These relationships also bring opportunities to collaborate on ways to improve operational efficiency. A type of outsourcing that offers these benefits and takes collaborative relationships to a higher level finds an individual or team of professionals from the vendor embedded in the client company’s organization.

The Damage Ferdaus Could Have Caused

September 29, 2011 • News

We've been talking all morning about the alleged terror plot which was reportedly being planned by a 26-year-old Ashland, MA man. According to the FBI, Rezwan Ferdaus wanted to take remote control planes, loaded with explosives and fly them into the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol. 

Jim Rice, from the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, stopped by Fox 25's Beacon Hill studio to talk about it.

View the interview here.

Trade is Not a Four-Letter Word

September 29, 2011 • News

UPS chairman and CEO Scott Davis explores free trade, the U.S. economy — and the truth behind those whiteboard ads.

While many Americans see today’s increasingly competitive global economy as contributing to the nation’s economic woes, UPS Chairman and CEO Scott Davis argued in a Tuesday talk at MIT that free trade ultimately benefits the U.S. economy and employment.

Leveling the Fuel Surcharge Playing Field

August 30, 2011 • News

Is it possible to create a fuel surcharge program that is consistently fair to shippers and carriers? As we have seen over recent months, the cost of motor vehicle fuel is a national preoccupation. Perhaps this is one reason why rising prices at the pump, and mechanisms such as fuel surcharges that are designed to spread the pain between shippers and service providers equably, attract so much attention.

Car of the Future Will Keep Us Safe Behind the Wheel at any Age

August 29, 2011 • News

Hari Sreenivasan talks with Dr. Joseph F Coughlin, Director of the MIT AgeLab and the New England University Transportation Center about the car of the future. Coughlin says automobile technology will reflect a baby boomer generation that will live longer, are more technology savvy, and will demand to stay on the road longer than previous generations.

View the news segment here.

Products’ carbon footprints easier to track with MIT grad’s start-up

August 29, 2011 • News

Robert Harris is so proud of the local products he uses in his catering that he adorned tables at a recent event with a map showing where the dinner ingredients were grown or made. It’s a great tool to demonstrate to our clients the care that we take in sourcing,’’ said Harris, chef and owner of Season to Taste Catering and The Table, a 10-seat restaurant, both in Cambridge. 

Panama Canal Authority to showcase expansion effort

August 19, 2011 • News

The CEO of the Panama Canal, Administrator/CEO Alberto Aleman Zubieta, announced today that the Panama Canal Authority will host its first-ever best practices Engineering and Infrastructure Congress.

Talent Strategies: Getting Your Point Across Without Bullets and Builds

July 28, 2011 • News

It is a fair assumption that most supply chain professionals reading SCMR can quickly recount a harrowing tale, probably set at the end of the quarter, involving a key shipment that is about to miss its delivery deadline. Being at the core of the action in today's globalized businesses, the supply chain is full of exciting stories about how someone moved mountains to save the day... or not. Dr. Jarrod Goentzel from MIT shares more insights into using the power of narrative as an effective means of communicating critical messages across your organization.

It's Time to Tweak the Supply Chain

July 07, 2011 • News

When retailers, reps and sales managers gather next month at the Salt Palace for Outdoor Retailer Summer Market, talk will turn to products — how to market them, how to merchandise them, when to bring in back-up orders. No less important, however, will be the discussions among product designers, brand managers, suppliers and a small army of compliance auditors, contractors and consultants that manage the industry’s far-flung supply chain and will be focused on the questions of where, when and how to make product and maintain margins.

New Research Shows Many Boomers Want To Age In Place, But Most Have No Plan

June 21, 2011 • News

The Hartford launches Home for a Lifetime to encourage boomers to create living spaces that improve quality of life now and enable them to stay in their current homes as they age

One of the biggest issues boomers will confront in the years to come is planning for their future housing needs. According to a survey from The Hartford and the MIT AgeLab, 50 percent of boomers want to stay in their current home as they age, but most have no plans in place.