MIT seeks practitioner input to new online supply chain education program

October 24, 2013 • News

SCMx, described as a "virtual classroom," is under development at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Transportation and Logistics.

Wherever logistics and supply chain professionals gather, the subject of the supply chain talent shortage is sure to come up. Companies worldwide are having trouble attracting, hiring, developing, and retaining experienced managers, and even less luck finding promising young talent who will become the profession's next generation of leaders.

MIT Global SCALE Network Students Win 2013 Fresh Connection Global Challenge

October 03, 2013 • Press Releases

Sarah J. Smith
Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
+1 617.253.4592 /

U.S. Department of Transportation Awards $63 Million in University Transportation Center Grants

September 26, 2013 • News

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) today announced approximately $63 million in grants to 33 University Transportation Centers (UTCs) to advance research and education programs that address critical transportation challenges facing our nation.

As a Region 1 UTC, MIT CTL's Safety New England University Transportation Center, led by Dr. Joseph Coughlin, was awarded over $2.5 million.

Read the full press release at the DOT website.

How Supply Chain Data Can Affect Bike Lanes as Much as the Cost of Bread

September 17, 2013 • News

Picture this chain of events: people living in small homes aren't able to store as much food as people in larger homes, so they might tend to purchase groceries more often. That sort of shopping behavior then leads them to prefer buying their food from close-by neighborhood stores, which might also be smaller and unable to stock as much product as huge supermarkets. And that, in turn, means delivery trucks will need to come more often.

MITx introduces 'XSeries' course-sequence certificates on edX

September 17, 2013 • News

MITx, the massive open online course (MOOC) effort at MIT, has announced new certificates for completion of sequences of related modules or courses on the edX platform. The sequences, called “XSeries,” represent a new approach to MOOC instruction and certification across integrated offerings more expansive than the individual courses that have thus far defined the MOOC landscape.

MIT Tool Will Help Companies Assess Weak Links in Supply Chains

September 16, 2013 • News

Researchers say the platform will help manufacturers more quickly rebound from natural disasters and political unrest.

By Joel Schectman

In The World: Mapping the logistics of megacities

September 09, 2013 • News
New open-source online maps generated by MIT students provide details of urban supply chains.

As ever-larger “megacities” become home to more and more of the world’s people, the supply chains that bring essential supplies to these crowded populations will become increasingly complex.

Talent Strategies: Seeing is Believing: Harnessing the Power of Visualization

September 09, 2013 • News

By Edgar Blanco

Translating floods of data on increasingly complex supply chain operations into actionable decisions is one of the most difficult challenges facing practitioners today. And one of the most promising solutions is new ways to visualize and analyze the data. Companies are developing sophisticated data displays that augment supply chain talent by making it easier for managers to analyze, interpret, and act on operational data.

Building Port Resilience

August 27, 2013 • News

By Jim B. Rice, Jr.

In his Aug. 5 Journal of Commerce article, “Decline of the Single-User Terminal,” Bill Mongelluzzo describes how vessel operators are eliminating their proprietary terminal operations in favor of using public terminals.

They may or may not know it, but by embracing the public option these operators are increasing port resilience.

Here are the main reasons why.

Read the full article here.

Port of Oakland bets on big changes to steer global commerce to Bay Area

August 20, 2013 • News

By Lisa M. Krieger

OAKLAND -- Today, a massive container ship holding millions of dollars' worth of cargo is headed from Asia to California.

But it isn't taking the shortest and most logical trip to the Bay Area. Instead, it will veer south to a berth in Long Beach or Los Angeles.

Chris Caplice on Potential Change in US Logistics Paradigm

August 19, 2013 • News

This Week's Supply Chain News, The Supply Chain Television Channel

Play video—segment starts at min 03:15

Paving the way to self-driving vehicles

August 19, 2013 • News

By Vince Bond Jr.

Self-driving vehicles have the potential to make immobility among elderly people and those with disabilities a thing of the past, experts say.

Declining vision and other physical impairments will no longer inhibit people from going out to eat or visiting their favorite stores, the experts say.

4 Trends That Could Redefine Distribution in the US

August 14, 2013 • News

Two reviews of Chris Caplice's article in the Summer 2013 issue of Supply Chain Frontiers.

Supply Chain Standard

Is logistics in its ‘Model T’ phase?

The Model T Ford was the most popular car of its era - but have you ever tried to drive one? It comes as a shock when you stamp on the brake and find that it is actually reverse.

The supply chain of the future

August 01, 2013 • News

by Craig Simon, President and CEO at FedEx SupplyChain

For most of history, the supply chain that links the world together today would have been unimaginable. The road to market is now a superhighway. It is a 24/7 operation. Global trade does not sleep. In fact, it never even pauses for a nap. Wheels on the ground, wings in the sky, keels in the water connect a largely borderless world economy.

AmazonFresh Is Jeff Bezos' Last Mile Quest For Total Retail Domination

July 29, 2013 • News

The first thing you notice about Jeff Bezos is how he strides into a room.

A surprisingly diminutive figure, clad in blue jeans and a blue pinstripe button-down, Bezos flings open the door with an audible whoosh and instantly commands the space with his explosive voice, boisterous manner, and a look of total confidence. "How are you?" he booms, in a way that makes it sound like both a question and a high-decibel announcement.

Oakland Army Base project advances toward start of construction

July 29, 2013 • News

The Oakland City Council recently approved several critical pieces of legislation that will help propel the Oakland Army Base development forward as the project’s September 2013 construction start date draws near.

On July 16, the council voted 7-0 to approve a new zoning district, building design guidelines and a supplemental development agreement, which provides clarity on development fees. Councilmember Desley Brooks was the lone abstention.

What Are Your Top 10 Supply Chain Trends?

July 10, 2013 • News

by Adrian Gonzalez

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Crossroads 2013: Supply Chain as Future Enabler conference at MIT, which featured a great lineup of speakers from Flextronics, Pfizer, 7-Eleven, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, UPS, and MIT. I don’t have the time or space to summarize every presentation, but overall the conference was very informative and thought-provoking.

Talent Strategies: Global Virtual Teams: How Are They Performing?

July 08, 2013 • News

By Shardul Phadnis and Chris Caplice

What should the manager of a team of globally dispersed individuals do to improve the team’s performance? This is a vital question for many supply chain managers today as Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) become more the rule than the exception.

DC Velocity: The Rainmakers

July 01, 2013 • News

Some measure success by salaries and titles. Others use a different yardstick altogether. Take the 11 professionals selected as our 2013 Rainmakers, for example. When asked about their proudest professional accomplishments, one spoke of the rewards of nurturing talent within his organization and the satisfaction of watching protégées go on to achieve greater glory. Another cited the opportunity to develop a product that helps users meet sustainability goals.

The railroad workers received certificates in logistics

June 21, 2013 • News

25 employees of the national railway company received certificates of completion of the course instructors from Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Spain at the Center for technologies on transport (CTT). Presentation of certificates held with the participation of the Vice-President of JSC "NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"Askhat Akchurin.

Classes on "Multimodal transportation" took place from 17 to 21 June 2013 for the implementation of activities under the Program of employee training of KTZ to foreign educational institutions.

Is a Graduate Supply Chain Degree the New MBA?

June 17, 2013 • News

This Week's Supply Chain News, The Supply Chain Television Channel

Play video—segment starts at min 07:27

The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation Graduates Inaugural Master's Class

June 12, 2013 • Press Releases

Contact in USA:
Sarah J. Smith
Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
617.253.4592 /

Students increased median annual salary 2.5 times with job offers from leading organizations

Collaboration bears fruit

May 28, 2013 • News

You could call it a classic case of serendipity. Agricultural cooperative Ocean Spray had just hit a major milestone in its supply chain sustainability program when it received an unexpected proposal that promised to take its carbon reduction efforts to the next level.

Talent Strategies: To Succeed at Sustainability, First Learn to Communicate

May 14, 2013 • News

By Jason Mathers and Edgar Blanco

As a supply chain professional, there is a good chance that at some stage in your career you will be involved in an environmental sustainability project. What skills do you need to be successful in this increasingly important aspect of supply chain management?

In our experience, communications should be top of your list.

Read the full article here.

Going Green to Save Green

April 25, 2013 • News

Can reducing environmental impact generate significant financial rewards? For Caterpillar, the proof is in the profits