Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Los parques logísticos han crecido en número por alrededor del mundo en años recientes, con el apoyo del desarrollo de estas instalaciones por parte de gobiernos y empresas de finca raíz. Sin embargo, no hay un marco estándar...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El sitio web del Centro de Transporte y Logística de MIT (MIT CTL) ha sido renovado y rediseñado para reflejar el rápido crecimiento y para ofrecer una fuente de información mejorada y más interactiva sobre las actividades de...
Each year MLOG students are paired with sponsoring companies to work on innovative and challenging supply chain research projects through the Supply Chain Education Partners (SCEP) Program. Today, we will talk about three theses that are in progress now by our MLOG & ZLOG students: Title: Sales Forecasting & Replenishment...
This month, we thought it might be helpful to meet some current MLOG and ZLOG students describe their experiences in the program live and in person. The webinar will introduce you to current MLOG and ZLOG students. Hear from them how their first semester went, what a typical day is...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Las compras se están volviendo de naturaleza más estratégica, de lo que se desprendería que la alineación de la función con la estrategia corporativa mejorará su desempeño. En la práctica, sin embargo, lograr esta alineación no es tan...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Presentaciones CLI Edgar Blanco "Innovación de la Cadena de Suministro en Mercado Emergentes," Conferencia Anual Líderes, Bogotá, Colombia, Mayo 5 de 2010. MIT CTL Edgar Blanco "Implicaciones de la Huella de Carbono en las Cadenas de Suministro," MIT...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . En CEO Summit organizado por el Centro Latinoamericano de Innovación en Logística (LOGyCA-CLI), y que se llevará a cabo en abril, los líderes de compañías compartirán estrategias de negocios con sus pares y recibirán retroalimentación valiosa de expertos...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Las respuestas iniciales a la innovadora encuesta de actitudes hacia la administración del riesgo en la cadena de suministro, ofrecen luces respecto a los tipos de incidentes que están interrumpiendo las cadenas de suministro y con qué frecuencia se...
For over 12 years, I have been affiliated with the Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning, (IBF—recently appended with “& Planning” to its name to reflect its focus on the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process.) I sit on its advisory board and have participated in its events, write a...
This column is written in support of this special new product forecasting issue of the Journal of Business Forecasting (JBF). My usual advice to forecasters of new product demand is to use Lifecycle Methods. I discussed these in my Spring 2001 JBF column titled, “A Simple Approach for Short Product...
Articles Include: Transforming Into a Worldwide Competitor A Korean company breaks out of its domestic mind-set Recession-Style Negotiations a Thing of the Past? Talking the talk in a post-recession world Profiting From Emissions Curbs Where will carbon credits trading meet supply chain? [Re] Searching for Answers: Sizing Your Logistics Carbon...
Profit pressures have caused many companies to relocate large parts of their operations to different parts of the globe. Growth pressures have pushed them to pursue market entry strategies in new countries. The challenges and opportunities of globalization have resulted in longer and more complex supply chains. As the scale...
An interview on Port Resilience with Tor Wergeland of Euromed in Marseilles, conducted by Oyvind Berle, visiting PhD candidate at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics on 11-27-09 in Copenhagen
How are supply chain professionals involved in start-up firms? What sorts of companies employ them? What kinds of decisions do they make? In this webinar, you will hear from a panel of MIT MLOG and ZLOG alumni who are working in start-up firms. They will discuss how they became involved...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. The MIT Global SCALE Network has launched a major supply chain risk management research project across six world regions. The first phase of the project, a multi-country survey, started in November 2009. The main goal of the 12-minute survey...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. The Latin American Center for Logistics Innovation (CLI) and the Secretariat for Economic Development (SDDE) have agreed to create a special research unit that will focus on increasing logistics excellence in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, and the surrounding...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. In order to stay competitive in more volatile markets, companies have to react quickly to shifts in demand. Many organizations have become nimbler through flexible operations that they reconfigure in response to market changes. Another route to flexibility is...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. The global economic crisis has highlighted the risks associated with supplier failures, but customers can also throw a supply chain into disarray. Buy-side risks, particularly those related to payment problems and obsolete inventory, were discussed at a recent symposium...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. As part of a groundbreaking port resiliency research project, MIT CTL is asking a wide cross-section of port users and stakeholders in the United States about the vulnerabilities of the country’s port system. MIT CTL researchers are working to...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #35. Read all articles in this issue. Calculating the size of an organization’s carbon footprint can be extremely challenging when complex supply chain networks are involved. To simplify the task, many companies use what is called an initial screening — an approximation of the emission levels...
Articles Include: Wal-Mart’s Five-Point Strategy for Global Growth How the retailing titan is expanding overseas Real Estate Practices That Build Supply Chain Agility A more timely approach to bricks and mortar Suppliers Add Convenience to 7-Eleven’s Supply Chain A supply chain built for convenience [Re]Searching for Answers: Supply Chain Rising...
Dr. Noel Watson, CTL Research Associate and Zaragoza Logistics Center Senior Professor explores how to improve your supply chain design and selection processes.