Michelle Rodríguez from Universidad del Pacífico in Perú and Marco Serrato from Tecnológico de Monterrey in México discuss how their universities have benefited from the CLI network.
We model a retailer whose supplier is subject to complete supply disruptions. We combine discrete- event uncertainty (disruptions) and continuous sources of uncertainty (stochastic demand or supply yield), which have different impacts on optimal inventory settings. This prevents optimal solutions from being found in closed form. We develop a closed-form...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 The debate over deep water drilling continues to rage following the Vermillion oil rig explosion in the Gulf of México this September, and BP’s announcement that the cost of its oil spill in the same waters has reached $8 billion. But there is another dimension...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 LOGyCA, in alliance with the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) will launch CLI México this October. The aim of the new center is to promote innovation and economic growth in Colombia and Latin America through research and education in transportation, logistics, and supply chain. Led by...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 A two-day inaugural conference on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology held in Bogotá, Colombia, underlined the rapid progress that Central American and South American companies are making in improving their business operations through the use of RFID. Produced by the publication RFID Journal in partnership...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 As the cost of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems falls, companies find it easier to build a business case for adopting the technology. But cost is not the only factor that influences the viability of RFID; the number of ways in which it can deliver...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 Amid one of the deepest recessions ever to hit the United States and with the official unemployment rate approaching 10%, companies should have little difficulty retaining key employees. Why then are supply chain leaders citing talent recruitment and retention as one of their top concerns...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) will introduce a course on finance and supply chain management this fall. This new course links supply chain management to the financial systems and objectives of the corporation. It aims to provide supply chain professionals with...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 The huge cost of building the logistics and distribution infrastructures required to support low-income, high-volume markets often deters businesses from expanding in these areas. As a result, the markets remain underserved and companies are unable to capitalize on important growth opportunities. The MIT m-Logistics Initiative...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 Bottled water producer and supplier Niagara Bottling, LLC, has joined the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) Supply Chain Exchange. The company’s rapid expansion and focus on the efficiency of its supply chain were key factors in its decision to become the latest...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 CLI Rafael Flórez Barajas Speaker, RFID Journal Live! Latam, Bogotá, Colombia, August 31–September 1. MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Now the Dust has Settled: Supply Chain Lessons Learnt from the Ash Cloud,” speaker, The Walpole Lectures, webinar, September 15, 2010. “Sourcing in the United States versus...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 MIT CTL James Rice Article on US port vulnerability to disruptions, Journal of Commerce, October 4 (current publication date). With Kai Trepte. ZLC Mozart Menezes “Facility Location for Emergency Evacuation,” Annals of Operations Research. With R. Huang and S. Kim. Paper accepted but not yet...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Presentaciones CLI Rafael Flórez Barajas Anfitrión y Conferencista, RFID Journal Live! Latam, Bogotá, Colombia. Agosto 31– Septiembre 1. MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen "Ahora que el polvo se ha asentado: lecciones sobre Cadena de Suministro aprendidas de la nube de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El debate acerca de la perforación de pozos en aguas profundas continua generando controversia, así como la explosión de la planta petrolífera de Vermillion en el Golfo de México en septiembre y el anuncio de BP sobre el costo...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Próximamente, el Centro de Transporte y Logística del MIT (MIT CTL) presentará un curso sobre finanzas y gerencia de la cadena de suministro. Este nuevo curso vincula la gerencia de la cadena de suministro a los sistemas financieros y...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. RFID Journal Live LatAm, la conferencia inaugural de dos días sobre tecnologías de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID), celebrada en Bogotá, Colombia, destacó el rápido progreso que compañías de América Central y Suramérica están haciendo para mejorar sus operaciones de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. LOGyCA, en alianza con el Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), prepara el lanzamiento de CLI México para el próximo mes de octubre. El objetivo de este nuevo Centro es promover la innovación y el crecimiento económico de México y América...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Mientras el costo de los sistemas de Identificación por Radio Frecuencia (RFID) disminuye, las compañías encuentran más sencillo crear un caso de negocio para adoptar esta tecnología. Pero los costos no son el único factor que influye en la...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El fabricante y distribuidor de agua embotellada Niagara Bottling, LLC, se ha unido al “Supply Chain Exchange” del Centro de Transporte y Logística del MIT (MIT CTL). La rápida expansión de la compañía y el enfoque hacia la eficiencia...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . En medio de una de las recesiones más profundas que alguna vez haya golpeado a los Estados Unidos, y con una tasa de desempleo oficial cercana al 10%, las compañías no deberían tener dificultades conservando a sus empleados...
The MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) initiated the “At the Crossroads of Supply Chain and Strategy” annual conference to highlight the emerging importance of supply chain management and the increasingly important role in supporting corporate business strategy. The Crossroads 2010 event focused on building supply chains that deliver...
Over the course of writing “Insights” I have periodically discussed aspects of my research into Demand Management (DM), defined as “the optimized matching of supply and demand over time”—with matching occurring during planning and between planning cycles. The processes previously covered included Customer Service Segmentation and tactical Supply-Demand planning, also...
Supply chain faces a severe shortage of talent at a time when the demands on the profession have never been greater. Globalization, market uncertainty, shifting demographic patterns, and the emergence of supply chain as a strategic function are some of the factors that are driving the skills shortfall. The industry...
To listen to Jarrod Goentzel's interview with NHPR, download the MP3. Analysts say the US is falling behind China and Europe, with the number of new megawatts generated from wind down by 70% from last year. We’ll look at some of the major hurdles facing this industry, including continued questions...