August 1999

Megacity Logistics Workshop @ Santiago

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago (Chile)

Megacities: the Supply Chain Frontier

Megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – are increasing in both number and size, and their share of world GDP is expected to grow from about 14% to over 20% in a decade. Most of the 23 megacities that currently exist are located in emerging markets.

Up until now research on the megacity phenomenon has centered on the urban landscape, people mobility and managing traffic congestion. MIT CTL’s Megacity Logistics Lab research project focuses on the special supply chain demands of these sprawling urban centers.

This is the...

Megacity Logistics Workshop @ Bogotá

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI)

Megacities: the Supply Chain Frontier

Megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – are increasing in both number and size, and their share of world GDP is expected to grow from about 14% to over 20% in a decade. Most of the 23 megacities that currently exist are located in emerging markets.

Up until now research on the megacity phenomenon has centered on the urban landscape, people mobility and managing traffic congestion. MIT CTL’s Megacity Logistics Lab research project focuses on the special supply chain demands of these sprawling urban centers.

This is the third...

Webinar: The MLOG and ZLOG Programs: Current Students’ Perspectives

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:00 - 4:00 EST

This month, we thought it might be helpful to meet some current MLOG and ZLOG students describe their experiences in the program live and in person.

The webinar will introduce you to current MLOG and ZLOG students. Hear from them how their first semester went, what a typical day is like, what they are doing during the break between semesters, and how the placement process works. They will also discuss what they have found to be most valuable about the program so far.

Supply Chains Driving Strategic Advantage January 2010

Aug 03, 1999 at 1:14PM

Are You Ready for the Next Level of Supply Chain Leadership? Let MIT Take You There Markets are changing and business rules are being rewritten, creating extraordinary opportunities for companies that are ready to meet the challenge. Where can supply chain professionals go to learn about the “new normal” and their role in capturing these opportunities? The place that is synonymous with cutting-edge ideas: MIT. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) invites you to attend its industry-leading executive education program Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage 2010...