March 2012

Distinguished Speaker Series: Optimization and Operations at a Less-then-Truckload Carrier - Sean Bumgarner (3/5)

Mar 05, 2012 at 6:30AM - Mar 05, 2012 at 8:00AM

Location:  E51-315
Tang Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Complimentary lunch served at 11:30 am

CTL Distinguished Speaker Series Featuring Sean Bumgarner
Director of Engineering at ABF Freight System, Inc.

Topic: Optimization and Operations at a Less-then-Truckload Carrier

Date: Monday, March 5, 2012

Location:  E51-315
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Time: 11:30 am – Complimentary lunch
12:00 pm – Lecture begins

Short description:
Less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers have some of the most complicated networks in transportation.  In this talk, Sean Bumgarner will discuss how ABF (one of the most sophisticated carriers in the industry) optimizes the design and daily management of...

February 2012

January 2012

MIT Supply Chain Student Poster Session and Networking Night (January 2012)

Jan 19, 2012 at 11:30AM - Jan 19, 2012 at 3:00PM

MIT Media Lab, 6th Floor (Bldg E14)


January 19, 2012 - 4:30-8:00pm at the MIT Media Lab (Bldg. E14, corner of Amherst & Ames Streets, 6th floor)

Come meet the master’s students and learn about their projects.  It’s FREE!

On Thursday, January 19, 2012, the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics will host a Poster Session for 65 SC master’s students from our three MIT SCALE Network centers: MIT (SCM), Zaragoza Spain (ZLC), and Bogota Colombia (CLI).  This is being immediately preceded by the MIT SC Forum for HR Executives.

In the top floor gallery of the new MIT Media Lab, each student team will display and enthusiastically...

Supply Chain Forum for HR Executives (January 2012)

Jan 19, 2012 at 3:30AM - Jan 19, 2012 at 10:30AM

MIT Faculty Club

On Thursday, January 19, 2012, the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics will host the Supply Chain Forum for HR Executives at the MIT Faculty Club on the MIT campus. This is the first of a two-session day, this being immediately followed by the MIT SCM/ZLOG Network Poster Session. You may register for both events at the event registration page by clicking both boxes. 

Agenda | FAQs

How Can HR Meet the Talent Demands of the Fast-Changing Supply Chain Profession?

Supply chain management has gone through a period of transformational change that has redefined the skills needed by...

MIT SCALE Graduate Programs Webinar Series: Current Students' Perspective

Jan 18, 2012 at 6:00AM - Jan 18, 2012 at 6:00AM


Join CTL and the other centers in the MIT Global SCALE Network for a lively and informative discussion around the graduate programs in supply chain management. Learn from current students about their courseload and what to expect as you consider applying.

Slide Show Presentation

Video of the Webinar


Executive Education - Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage (January 2012)

Jan 03, 2012 at 3:00AM - Jan 06, 2012 at 9:00AM

MIT Faculty Club (Campus Map)

Where to Stay | FAQ | Agenda

I want to register for the January 2012 course (January 3-6, 2012)
Registration Fee: $3,495

I want to register for the June 2012 course (June 12-15, 2012)
Registration Fee: $3,995

Are You Ready for the Next Level of Supply Chain Leadership?

Let MIT Take You There

Today’s companies are realizing the importance of the supply chain as a revenue generator— it's not just a cost of doing business. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace, senior executives must completely transform their business approach and conventional supply chain practices, and...

November 2011

Distinguished Speaker Series: High-Speed Rail - International Lessons for U.S. Policy Makers - Petra Todorovich, the director of America 2050 (11/4)

Nov 04, 2011 at 8:45AM - Nov 04, 2011 at 10:00AM

Location:  W20-306

Stratton Student Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Complimentary lunch served at 12:45

CTL Distinguished Speaker Series Featuring Petra Todorovich

Topic: High-Speed Rail - International Lessons for U.S. Policy Makers

Date: Friday, November 4, 2011

Location: W20-306, Twenty Chimneys
Stratton Student Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Time: 12:45 pm – Complimentary lunch
1:00 pm – Lecture begins


High-speed rail has been adopted throughout the world, and is now being planned and developed in the United States. Over the past 50 years, U.S. transportation spending has heavily favored the development of interstate highway and aviation systems. In the...

October 2011

MIT Humanitarian Speaker Series: Irina Dolinskaya, Northwestern University

Oct 31, 2011 at 8:00AM - Oct 31, 2011 at 9:00AM

MIT Room E62-650

MIT Humanitarian Speaker Series

Dynamic Multi-Period Humanitarian Relief Routing Problem

Irina Dolinskaya
Northwestern University

Disaster relief presents many unique logistics challenges, with problems including damaged transportation infrastructure, limited communication, and coordination of multiple agents. Central to disaster relief logistics is the distribution of life-saving commodities to beneficiaries. Operations research models have potential to help relief agencies save lives and money, maintain standards of humanitarianism and fairness and maximize the use of limited resources amid post-disaster chaos...