Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) has launched a major initiative to develop solutions to the freight congestion problems that threaten to overwhelm the nation's transportation system. The first stage is an industry survey that CTL is...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. Two Research Associates have joined CTL to work on the Center's expanding portfolio of supply chain research projects. Mahender Singh received his PhD from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where he taught Operations Management. He is a graduate of...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. Transportation has become a more expensive item on the balance sheet, encouraging companies to be more judicious when using these services. A store delivery model developed by Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) graduate, Chris Kerslake, is helping a...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. The first class to graduate from the Zaragoza Masters of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) degree program received a warm welcome to the profession from John Allan, CEO of global supply chain management company Exel. "You...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. Graduates from this year's Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) program left MIT with jobs at major companies and a median salary of $ 97,000--59% higher than their salary levels at the time of joining the program. MLOG 2005...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #9. Read all articles in this issue. Large commercial aircraft manufacturers are cutting lead times and outsourcing more assembly work to tier-one suppliers. The aim is to smooth out the market turbulence that locks the industry into perpetual boom-and-bust cycles. Along the way the supply chain...