Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 Much of India’s vast agricultural sector is rooted in rural communities, and key to realizing its full commercial potential is connecting growers to world markets. That requires a much better understanding of the rural-agricultural supply chains that deliver produce from remote landholdings to consumers. The...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, hosted the kick-off meeting of the European project WINN (which stands for: European Platform Driving Knowledge to Innovations in Freight Logistics) in October 2012. In attendance were representatives from the European Commission (EC) and the project partners, which...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The Graduate Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) program is now available to all qualifying universities across Latin America. Expanding GCLOG to give it complete regional coverage reflects the program’s success and the evolution of supply chain management (SCM) in Latin America. Created...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) launched a program this October that addresses specific gaps in the training of the region’s supply chain managers. These gaps were identified during a special focus group session designed to elicit feedback from practitioners on their knowledge...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) has announced that Boeing and CVS Caremark have become partners of the Center. Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space, and security systems. CVS Caremark is the...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The MIT Global Transportation Reliability Initiative will present the latest findings of its research into improving the reliability of ocean transportation at a roundtable event scheduled to take place on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA, US, November 29, 2012. The event also will build on...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Supply Chain Visibility (Mapping),” Advancing Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Challenges and Strategies, MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA, US, October 10. “Innovative Methods in Building and Managing an SC Center,” panel moderator, Annual Supply Chain Management Directors Conference, Phoenix, AZ, US, October...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 An effective way to cut costs as well as CO2 emissions is to share transportation capacity when moving freight. However, it is difficult to put the idea into practice because firms are often required to share sensitive information about their supply chains. The Zaragoza Logistics...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The MIT Global SCALE Network chose The Fresh Connection (value chain learning experience) to serve as the platform for the 2013 SCALE Challenge. This four-month supply chain simulation exercise includes all 98 students from the four masters-level programs within the SCALE Network. Launched in late...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 What risks will threaten supply chains over the next five years or so? As new risks emerge and familiar ones resurface, companies need to keep abreast of the changes that can unseat even the most well-run supply chain. The outlook for potential disruptions was one...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) has launched the Advances in Supply Chain Management webinar series, which will feature cutting-edge research from the Center. The first event, Supply Chain Strategy in Complex Markets, takes place on November 14, 2012, from 1:00 p.m...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #47 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) in Zaragoza, Spain, is working with consulting company INCLAM S.A., headquartered in Madrid, Spain, to develop a software solution called CO₂ Logistic, for calculating the carbon footprint of logistics facilities and related activities. Enterprises in the logistics space – including...
As part of the Distinguished Speaker Series, Sadiq Gillani, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Strategy, Lufthansa Group gave a presentation on October 19, 2012.
Summary Report for the SCE Symposium: Advancing Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Challenges and Strategies held on October 10, 2012 at MIT. This report is available for CTL partners only . If you are a CTL partner, please log in or create an account to download this paper. If you'd...
MIT CTL Global Leadership Lecture Series - "Strengthening the U.S. Supply Chain" - Matthew K. Rose, BNSF (10/3) Speaker: Matthew K. Rose Chairman and CEO BNSF Date/Time:Wednesday 3 October from 4 to 5 PM Location: MIT Campus, Wong Auditorium, Tang Center (E51-315) Video of the Lecture Bio: Since 2000, Rose...
Why is Memphis home to hundreds of motor carrier terminals and distribution centers? Why does the tiny island-nation of Singapore handle a fifth of the world’s maritime containers and half the world’s annual supply of crude oil? Which jobs can replace lost manufacturing jobs in advanced economies? Some of the...
Summary Report for the Supply Chain Planning Roundtable held on August 29-30, 2012 at MIT. This report is available for CTL partners only . If you are a CTL partner, please log in or create an account to download this paper. If you'd like to learn more about how to...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. En términos de planificación de la cadena de suministro, ¿es mejor estar preparado mediante el desarrollo de planes a largo plazo o ser ágil y tener capacidad de reacción ante los cambios a corto plazo? Podrá descubrir cuáles son...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿Qué tienen en común Silicon Valley y la colonia de artistas del siglo XIV en Florencia? Ambos son centros de conocimiento creados para beneficiar mutuamente a sus integrantes. La logística es otro tipo de conocimiento que se comparte de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. A pesar de la apatía de la economía mundial, los programas de máster en cadenas de suministro que ofrecen los centros de la red Global SCALE del MIT han atraído a un gran número de estudiantes para el curso...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El premio a la excelencia en cadenas de suministro del MIT es una nueva beca que se otorgará cada año en la Universidad de Penn State al graduado con mejores resultados en un curso sobre cadenas de suministro. Este...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. SWIFT, la organización con sede en Bélgica que patrocina la investigación en el sector de los servicios financieros, ha otorgado al Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) financiación para un proyecto destinado a analizar las cadenas de valor...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Centro para la innovación en sistemas logísticos (CISLOG) de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP), Brasil, ha conseguido fondos para financiar un proyecto que estudiará los efectos de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y los niveles...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Recientemente, el Zaragoza Logistics Center organizó en Singapur un curso de gestión de cadenas de suministro del sector minorista y de la moda dirigido a consejeros delegados de cadenas minoristas. El curso atrajo a 21 representantes de importantes empresas...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #46. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. La capacidad para trabajar en equipos que abarquen varios husos horarios es de vital importancia en un entorno mercantil tan globalizado como el actual. Un proyecto de investigación que contó con la participación de cuatro estudiantes del programa de...