Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 The next MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Crossroads conference will take place on March 25, 2014, on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA. Launched 10 years ago to explore the intersection between supply chain and corporate strategy, this annual event has become a leading platform...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 When shipping product into a country as large and complex as Brazil, the choice of transportation routes has a critical impact on supply chain costs. Four GCLOG students* developed a decision support system that enables a leading luxury goods company to determine the optimal routes...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 A new book from Dr. Albert Tan, Director of Education at the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation, titled Supply Chain Process Reengineering (Pearson Malaysia, 2013), provides a roadmap to the planning and implementation of SPR projects. As Tan points out in his book, SPR...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 Large banks represent a weak link in the financial supply chain for small and medium sized (SME) enterprises in Asia. The problem also hinders the physical supply chain in that SMEs are key drivers of business growth in the region. The Malaysia Institute for Supply...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 The Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Zaragoza, Spain, celebrated its 10 th anniversary this October. In addition to becoming one of Europe’s leading centers for supply chain education and research, ZLC is a key player in a regional strategy to use logistics clusters as an engine...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 How do you put a value on avoiding a problem that seemingly no longer exists because you’ve already spent money on eliminating it? This is the classic Catch-22 dilemma faced by many corporate security managers when trying to justify further investments in steeling the supply...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Implementing Resilient Risk Management,” CSCMP Annual Conference, Denver, CO, US, October 21. Edgar Blanco “Carbon Efficiency of Humanitarian Supply Chains: Evidence from French Red Cross Operations,” Logistics Management 2013, Bremen, Germany, September 11-13. With P. Oberhofer and A. Craig. "The Environmental...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 MIT CTL Edgar Blanco “Selection of Tailored Practices for Supply Chain Management,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 33 No. 8, 2013, pp.1040-1074. With A. C. Barros and A. P. Barbosa-Pvoa. “Estimating the CO2 Intensity of Intermodal Transportation,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 A team of students from the MIT SCALE Network’s four supply chain management graduate programs took first place at the finals of the 5th annual Global Challenge of The Fresh Connection, a supply chain simulation competition designed to engage participants in making strategic and tactical...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT CTL) acclaimed executive education course, Supply Chain Management: Driving Strategic Advantage, will take place on January 7 – 10, 2014, in Cambridge, MA. Taught by distinguished MIT faculty and researchers, this is a fast-paced mix of simulations...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51 Developing sustainable transportation solutions for second-tier cities in Asia, Latin America, and the Mediterranean region of Europe is the focus of a research project funded by the European Commission. A number of research centers are participating in the project, including the Zaragoza Logistics Center, Zaragoza...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), en Zaragoza, celebró su 10. o aniversario el pasado mes de octubre. El ZLC es uno de los principales centros en Europa para la formación e investigación en la cadena de suministro, así como...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Un equipo de estudiantes de los cuatro programas de posgrado en cadena de suministro de la red SCALE del MIT ganó la final del 5.º Reto Global de The Fresh Connection, un concurso de simulación de la cadena de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. ¿Cómo se fija el valor de la prevención de un problema que parece que ya no existe porque ya se ha dedicado dinero a eliminarlo? Se trata del clásico dilema del callejón sin salida con el que se encuentran...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Un nuevo libro del Dr. Albert Tan, director de Educación del Instituto de Innovación de la Cadena de Suministro de Malasia, titulado Supply Chain Process Reengineering (Pearson Malaysia, 2013), proporciona una hoja de ruta para la planificación e implementación...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El aclamado curso de formación para ejecutivos del Centro para el Transporte y la Logística del MIT (MIT CTL), Gestión de la cadena de suministro: cómo impulsar la ventaja estratégica, tendrá lugar del 7 al 10 de enero de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Supply Chain Frontiers , n.º 51: Presentaciones MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen «Implementing Resilient Risk Management», Conferencia anual CSCMP, Denver, Colorado (EUA), 21 de octubre. Edgar Blanco «Carbon Efficiency of Humanitarian Supply Chains: Evidence from French Red Cross Operations», Proceedings...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Los grandes bancos representan un eslabón frágil en la cadena de suministro financiera para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en Asia. El problema también obstaculiza la cadena de suministro física, ya que las pymes son motores clave del...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Al enviar productos a un país tan grande y complejo como Brasil, la elección de las rutas de transporte tiene un impacto decisivo en los costes de la cadena de suministro. Cuatro estudiantes* de GCLOG han desarrollado un sistema...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #51. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El proyecto de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea se centra en el desarrollo de soluciones de transporte sostenibles para ciudades de segundo nivel en Asia, América Latina y la zona mediterránea de Europa. Varios centros de investigación participan...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 Remember the early days of cell phones when a new model seemed to appear every week and each one looked dramatically different? This is typical of a new product market. Initially, wildly different variants are released and tested in the market, but eventually they converge...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, we can envision plausible outcomes and prepare for them. This is the essence of scenario planning. A research project at the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program at the Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain, used the methodology...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 The Megacity Logistics Lab presented the initial results of a major project to create an atlas of logistics demands in large urban areas in a special presentation at MIT on July 24, 2013. An MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) research initiative, the...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation’s (CLI) class of 2014 spent three weeks at MIT this July for their first session of the Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) program. This year’s CLI class consists of 39 students from 17 universities across...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #50 A major impediment to the flow of freight traffic in megacities – cities with a population of at least 10 million people – is misguided regulation. The best way to analyze the effects is to view them at ground level. This is what an MIT...