Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40. Lea todos artículos en este asunto Presentaciones 2011 CLI Vivian Rangel Castelblanco “Carbon Footprint Analysis in Latin America: The Colombian Case,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Operations Management - The Enabling Link, Reno, NV, USA, Abril 29 a mayo 2...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #40. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El liderazgo en la gerencia de la cadena de abastecimiento se ha convertido en un tema candente en los últimos años. Muchos ejecutivos de la cadena de abastecimiento visitan el Centro de Transporte y Logística de MIT (MIT...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 The first Future Freight Flows (FFF) Workshop took place on November 4, 2010, at the headquarters of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), in Philadelphia, PA. The event was a resounding success. The project team will now take the workshop on the road in...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39 CLI Isabel Agudelo "Global Trends for the Development of Sustainable Transportation Services," Third National Meeting of Transportation, ENATRANS 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile. November 3. Andrés Baquero "Reflections on the Development of Logistics Platforms for Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain in Bogota." CODATU, Buenos Aires...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El primer taller de flujos futuros de transporte de mercancías (Future Freight Flows, FFF) tuvo lugar el 4 de noviembre de 2010 en la sede central de la Comisión de Planificación Regional del Valle de Delaware (Delaware Valley...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #39. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . Presentaciones CLI Isabel Agudelo “Tendencias Globales para el Desarrollo de Servicios de Transporte Sostenibles”. Ponente, III Encuentro Nacional del Transporte – ENATRANS 2010. "Los Desafíos de Chile para un Transporte de Primera Clase”, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 3...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 Bottled water producer and supplier Niagara Bottling, LLC, has joined the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) Supply Chain Exchange. The company’s rapid expansion and focus on the efficiency of its supply chain were key factors in its decision to become the latest...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38 CLI Rafael Flórez Barajas Speaker, RFID Journal Live! Latam, Bogotá, Colombia, August 31–September 1. MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen “Now the Dust has Settled: Supply Chain Lessons Learnt from the Ash Cloud,” speaker, The Walpole Lectures, webinar, September 15, 2010. “Sourcing in the United States versus...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. Presentaciones CLI Rafael Flórez Barajas Anfitrión y Conferencista, RFID Journal Live! Latam, Bogotá, Colombia. Agosto 31– Septiembre 1. MIT CTL Bruce Arntzen "Ahora que el polvo se ha asentado: lecciones sobre Cadena de Suministro aprendidas de la nube de...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #38. Lea todos artículos en este asunto. El fabricante y distribuidor de agua embotellada Niagara Bottling, LLC, se ha unido al “Supply Chain Exchange” del Centro de Transporte y Logística del MIT (MIT CTL). La rápida expansión de la compañía y el enfoque hacia la eficiencia...
This project incorporates demand variability in the creation of a long-term transportation planning process for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Using a combination of stochastic metrics and simple heuristics, the analysis proposes a robust operations strategy that is easy to execute on a weekly basis, is capable of handling demand uncertainty over...
This project focuses on the impacts of fuel price volatility and its distribution throughout the supply chain, with the goal of stabilization. Hedging and fuel surcharges are analyzed as tools for stability, with research including: a market benchmarking survey, fuel surcharge component sensitivity testing and a simulation of varying derivative...
This project developed a model to evaluate the cost effects of lane aggregation in long-haul, truckload trucking in the United States. The model provides simple guidelines for determining how shippers should bid out lanes to elicit the best rates from carriers. Authors: Julia Collins and Ryan Quinlan Advisor: Chris Caplice
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 The future rarely moves in predictable, incremental ways. Often, seemingly small changes in technology, demographics, regulations, economics, or a myriad of other factors have dramatic and unintended consequences for how companies source, manufacture, distribute, and operate in general. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37 CLI Edgar Blanco Keynote speaker, ICPR Americas, Bogotá, Colombia. July 22, 2010. MIT CTL Edgar Blanco Speaker, EPA Regional Administrators’ Event, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 14, 2010. Chris Caplice “Mind the Gap: Connecting Planning to Operations in Transportation Management,” keynote speaker, 2010 Oracle Transportation Management...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El futuro muy raramente se mueve de maneras predecibles o incrementables. Con frecuencia, los aparentemente pequeños cambios en tecnología, demografía, regulaciones, economía o la combinación de diferentes factores tienen consecuencias dramáticas y no intencionadas sobre cómo las empresas...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . PRESENTACIONES CLI Edgar Blanco Conferencista Principal en ICPR Americas, Bogotá, Colombia. Julio 22, 2010. MIT CTL Edgar Blanco Conferencista, EPA Evento Administradores Regionales, Baltimore, MD, EEUU, Julio 14, 2010. Chris Caplice “Cuidado con la brecha: Conexión de planificación...
This project developed a total landed cost model to analyze the cost from raw material to the customer for one sample Electronics Company, Tel Co. The total landed cost model was also used to predict the impact of global supply chain risks. The result assists firms make a strategic decision...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) website has been rebranded and redesigned to reflect the center’s rapid growth and to provide an improved and more interactive source of information on MIT CTL supply chain education and research activities. “We have expanded across...
Supply Chain Frontiers issue #36. Lea todos artículos en este asunto . El sitio web del Centro de Transporte y Logística de MIT (MIT CTL) ha sido renovado y rediseñado para reflejar el rápido crecimiento y para ofrecer una fuente de información mejorada y más interactiva sobre las actividades de...
The percent increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere maybe harmful. There is no single preferred method for measuring GHG output. How can one classify and choose an appropriate method? This thesis offers a classification of current methods used by companies to measure their GHG output. Author: Suzanne...
This thesis discusses the tradeoff between transportation cost and the level of service in cold chain transportation. Regression models are built to quantify the additional cost of superior quality cold chain for both the shipper and its carriers, and analyze the relationship between such cost and customer service level. No...
This paper examines the logistical challenges and inventory management issues a prospective operator of a floating offshore wind farm would encounter in generating electricity. The author studied economic distance from shore to locate a wind for optimal electricity generation and examined suitable inventory policies for a floating offshore wind farm...
Using an analytical framework this research project establishes that initiatives to improve responsiveness contribute to growth in sales. The framework uses an econometric model and a causal model to verify and explain relationships between measures of responsiveness and sales. The research also identifies measures that drive sales and measures driven...