Supply Chain Frontiers issue #37
The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI) has achieved much since it was launched in March 2008. Now the center has published an Activity Report that chronicles its accomplishments in the first two years of operation. The report is a valuable source of reference for anyone interested in developing supply chain centers of excellence.
CLI was created to help companies in Latin America build supply chains capable of supporting the region’s economic growth. The center also aims to establish world-class capabilities in education and research in the region. In 2008, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics in the United States and the logistics education and consulting firm LOGyCA in Colombia signed a 10-year, $19 million agreement to create CLI as part of the Global SCALE network of supply chain research centers.
In the two years since it was formed, CLI has launched multiple research projects, has established a regional network for academic collaboration, and has recruited leading companies as corporate strategic partners. The center is now building on these achievements by extending its geographical reach and establishing a richer base of educational and research programs.
For more information on the CLI Activity Report, contact Dr. Edgar Blanco.