Publication Date

Supply Chain Frontiers issue #23. Read all articles in this issue

MIT-CTL has launched its Partner Gateway, an online resource available only to the Center’s partner organizations.

The MIT-CTL Partner Gateway provides partners with exclusive access to an exhaustive list of the Center’s research materials - from papers to presentations to event proceedings. The documents are organized by research area and type to make it easy for users to pinpoint the information they are looking for.   Some items are created for the sole use of partners, such as the new Frontiers Select articles now being featured in this newsletter (see this issue’s article “A Recovery Plan for Freight”).

Accessing the Gateway is straightforward. Partner companies go to and register online. Once registration is approved, new members are notified via email. The gateway is already being used regularly by senior executives from several CTL partner companies.

“Easy and early access to the latest MIT-CTL research gives our partners a competitive advantage, and we plan to expand the service and deliver even more benefits to partners,” said MIT-CTL Deputy Director Jim Rice. Future enhancements now being developed include the introduction of interactive features.

MIT-CTL has a three-tier model for partnering with organizations. The foundation tier is the Supply Chain Exchange, next comes research projects that delve into specific areas of interest, and the highest level is a strategic partnership.

For more information on partnering with MIT-CTL contact David Riquier. Partner companies that require information on the Partner Gateway should contact Tim Griffin or Becky Schneck Allen.