Your coronavirus grocery questions, answered by experts
“I keep hearing there’s plenty of food, so why does it feel like grocery stores are suddenly out of everything?
“I keep hearing there’s plenty of food, so why does it feel like grocery stores are suddenly out of everything?
“The FDA cannot get out of its own way. Why doesn't the FDA just say, ‘Okay, let's use what the Brits are using, what the Canadians are using, what every normal country is using?’” said MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi, who advises hospitals on supply chain management. “They think that only N95 works? I mean, this is insane at this time, it's insane. It's like you're fighting a war, and somebody comes from the outside and says, ‘I can give you some guns and tanks and airplanes.’ And you say, ‘No, let me develop my own.’”
The Freightvine Podcast - Freight Transportation & the Coronavirus: This episode centers on the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how the outbreak which originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019 is impacting global freight transportation. Host Chris Caplice sits down with Yossi Sheffi, MIT professor and Chris’ boss at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, to discuss how the coronavirus differs from past crises and how the bullwhip effect will likely play out in this scenario.
MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi speaks with Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu and Romaine Bostick on the collapse of the food supply chain from the coronavirus.
Professor Yossi Sheffi speaks with WCVB in Boston, weighing in on supply chain shortages
As countries shut down, stock markets crumble and economic activity slows to a crawl, it is hard to believe that in a few months the coronavirus crisis may be over. Bigger, well-capitalized companies have the financial strength to withstand the rapidly developing downturn, but most other companies are in tougher situations and survival for many will come into question. However, it is not too early for companies to think about how to position themselves for a successful, speedy recovery.
Yossi Sheffi discusses how Coronavirus takes its toll on supply chains. He speaks on Bloomberg's podcast "What’d You Miss This Week", which goes through a financial market week for the history books. He goes through how to expand the U.S. health care system’s capacity and how necessary activities like grocery shopping can be done more safely amid the outbreak.
The MIT Industrial Liaison Program hosted a special live webinar highlighting the impacts of COVID-19 on business. The webinar consists of three sections where professors Yossi Sheffi, Alex Pentland, and Andrew Lo gave presentations on resilience, organization management, and finance, respectively.
As the coronavirus continues to spread and the number of infections surpasses 100,000 worldwide, the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT CTL) took another look at how companies are responding. The research follows an online survey we conducted in January of this year when the epidemic had just erupted.
Alexis Bateman interviews Yossi Sheffi on resilience and preparedness for Supply Chain Dynamics - SC3x.
Jim Rice writes in Harvard Business Review: Developing a cogent supply chain response to the coronavirus outbreak is extremely challenging, given the scale of the crisis and the rate at which it is evolving. The best response, of course, is to be ready before such a crisis hits, since options become more limited when disruption is in full swing. However, there are measures that can be taken now even if you’re not fully prepared.
Yossi Sheffi discusses the threat to global supply chains posed by the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu and Joe Weisenthal on "Bloomberg Markets: What'd You Miss?"
Yossi Sheffi writes in The Wall Street Journal: As scientists race to develop a cure for the coronavirus, businesses are trying to assess the impact of the outbreak on their own enterprises. Just as scientists are confronting an unknown enemy, corporate executives are largely working blind because the coronavirus could cause supply-chain disruptions that are unlike anything we have seen in the past 70 years.
It is widely expected that the year 2020 — and the new decade it heralds — is going to bring dramatic changes to global supply chains and that China will be a leading actor in this ongoing drama. But no one foresaw China’s role as the epicenter of a coronavirus outbreak that could have a crippling effect on the global economy. The crisis could also have far-reaching consequences for China and its role in the world.