Dr. Chris Caplice to Receive CSCMP's Distinguished Service Award

June 27, 2016 • Press Releases

Lombard, Illinois USA (June 23, 2016) -- Chris Caplice, executive director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, will receive the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals' (CSCMP) 2016 Distinguished Service Award. He will be presented with the award during the Opening General Session at CSCMP's Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida on Monday, September 26, 2016.

IoT Machine Failure Analyses Reduces Average Inventory, Boosts Service Levels, Finds New Research by OnProcess Technology and MIT

January 07, 2016 • Press Releases

ASHLAND, MA – June 14, 2016 – OnProcess Technology, a global pioneer in service supply chain management and optimization, today announced results of a joint research project with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Program, which found that by using Internet of Things (IoT) data to predict machine failures, companies can reduce costly inventory stock while improving their ability to meet service levels.

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Alum Gifts $2.5 million

January 07, 2016 • Press Releases

On January 4, 2016, MIT alum Jeff Silver, along with his wife Marianne and two of their sons, visited the Massachusetts of Institute of Technology (MIT) to gift the Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) with $2.5 million to help fund the Center’s ongoing efforts in supply chain research and education. The gift will be divided into two funds:

MIT’s Digital Supply Chain Program Commences Second Course - 12-week course on supply chain design open to students worldwide

September 21, 2015 • Press Releases

September 21, 2015 (Cambridge, MA). The second installment of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ (MIT CTL) ground-breaking online supply chain course, Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals, will start on September 30th, 2015. Called Supply Chain Design, the SC2x course is part of the three-part SCx series and will run for 12 consecutive weeks. A year ago MIT CTL opened a new chapter in supply chain education with the launch of its SCx online program.

MIT CTL and UPS Support Solar Electric Car Project

September 02, 2015 • Press Releases

"Arcturus" sustains 60mph using the same energy as a hairdryer. Photo: Chris Penticoff.

Sarah J. Smith, Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
sajsmith@mit.edu /  +1.617.253.4592

MIT’s Digital Supply Chain Classroom Set for Global Launch

August 14, 2014 • Press Releases

Sarah J. Smith
Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
+1 617.253.4592 / sajsmith@mit.edu

Registration Link: http://goo.gl/uTykIc

MIT Global SCALE Network Students Win 2013 Fresh Connection Global Challenge

October 03, 2013 • Press Releases

Sarah J. Smith
Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
+1 617.253.4592 / sajsmith@mit.edu

The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation Graduates Inaugural Master's Class

June 12, 2013 • Press Releases

Contact in USA:
Sarah J. Smith
Communications Specialist
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
617.253.4592 / sajsmith@mit.edu

Students increased median annual salary 2.5 times with job offers from leading organizations

Collaborating with a competitor, company finds big savings and “green” dividend by streamlining logistics

January 31, 2013 • Press Releases

MIT-authored case study shows cost, greenhouse gas reductions from increased efficiency and collaboration in logistics operations

The MIT Global SCALE Network chooses The Fresh Connection for the 2013 SCALE Challenge

October 10, 2012 • Press Releases

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 9, 2012 – The MIT Global SCALE Network chose The Fresh Connection (value chain learning experience) to serve as the platform for the 2013 SCALE Challenge. This is a four month long supply chain simulation exercise that includes all 98 students from the four masters-level programs within the SCALE Network.

New Research By The Hartford And MIT AgeLab Reveals Top Ten Car Technologies For Mature Drivers

September 19, 2012 • Press Releases

 Smart headlights, emergency response systems and reverse monitoring features rank highest

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Smart headlights, emergency response systems and reverse monitoring features rank highest in car technologies that benefit mature drivers according to The Hartford and MIT AgeLab's Top Technologies for Mature Drivers Research.

MIT to Launch the Megacity Logistics Lab at Crossroads Event

June 20, 2012 • Press Releases

New lab conducts ground-breaking research on megacity supply chains

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 19, 2012 – The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) will launch the Megacity Logistics Lab at its Crossroads 2012 conference, June 28, 2012, on the MIT campus, Cambridge, MA, USA. How to design, build, and manage the supply chains that are critical to the sustainable growth and operation of these giant urban centers is the main focus of the new research initiative.

MIT Selected by US Department of Transportation to Lead New England Consortium on Transportation Safety & Livable Communities

January 23, 2012 • Press Releases
The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) is pleased to announce that MIT has been selected to lead the US Department of Transportation Research & Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) University Transportation Center for the New England Region. The University Transportation Centers Program strives to advance research and education programs that address critical transportation challenges facing our nation.

MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics Announces Speakers at the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation Global Supply Chain SumMIT

June 06, 2011 • Press Releases

UPDATE June 16, 2011: We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker, Alberto Alemán Zubieta, CEO of the Panama Canal Authority. Mr Zubieta will be speaking on the topic of the future of the Panama Canal and its impact on supply chain.


Leading academics from top institutions as well as global industry executives convene for inaugural event.

BASF Establishes Partnership with MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

April 12, 2011 • Press Releases

April 12, 2011 (Cambridge, MA) - BASF, the world’s leading chemical company, today announced it is establishing a partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL). The company has become a Strategic Partner in the Center’s Supply Chain Exchange. The Supply Chain Exchange is an active community of companies that share a common goal to leverage cutting-edge research and knowledge to achieve supply chain-centric competitive advantages.


March 22, 2011 • Press Releases

MIT and Malaysia to Create World-Leading Supply Chain and Logistics Center

Yossi Sheffi on CNBC's Executive Vision November 1, 2010

October 28, 2010 • Press Releases

Yossi Sheffi (Elisha Gray II professor of engineering systems and civil & environmental engineering, director of the MIT Engineering Systems Division, and director of the Center for Transportation and Logistics) will be featured in an upcoming episode of the CNBC series Executive Vision. The series, now in its second season, is a "global strategy session" in which host Simon Hobbs and a panel of renowned experts and leaders discuss provocative issues affecting major business sectors.

Jhonatan Rotberg receives award from Discovery Channel and Quo Science Magazine

October 15, 2010 • Press Releases

On October 13, 2010, an alliance between the Discovery Channel and Quo science magazine (Mexico) had an event to celebrate "Quo+Discovery Minds." This is a nationwide search for the most innovative ideas and projects developed by Mexican citizens in the last 10 years.  

New England Center Researchers Awarded IEEE Best Paper

September 29, 2010 • Press Releases

New England Center Researchers Awarded IEEE Best Paper CTL AgeLab student Ji Hyun (MIT PhD '08) and co-authors Zhi-Hong Mao, Louis Tijerina, Tom Pilutti, Joseph F. Coughlin and Eric Feron won the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society (SMCS) Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award for their article, "Detection of driver fatigue caused by sleep deprivation."

CTL Announces Contract Extension with Government of Aragón

June 01, 2010 • Press Releases


Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) to be a worldwide model in Supply Chain Management

MIT-based Sana (formerly Moca) Recognized at the Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF)

April 27, 2010 • Press Releases

The Vodafone Americas Foundation and the mHealth Alliance (a coalition of the United Nations Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and Vodafone Americas Foundation) announced that Sana had won the mHealth Alliance Award (valued at $50,000) and finished third in the Wireless Innovation Prize ($100,000) at the Global Philanthropy Forum on April 19, 2010. These awards recognize Sana’s new applications for wireless technology and its potential to address health challenges in low-resource settings.

New White Paper Available Now - Renewable Energy Supply Chains: Delivering on the Promise of Green Energy

August 12, 2009 • Press Releases

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are by nature intermittent and located far away from consumer demand. Given these constraints, there is an urgent need for new supply chain solutions that enable governments and power companies to deliver renewable energy cost-effectively to consumers. Dr. Jarrod Goentzel’s new white paper describes the challenges and research at the MIT-Zaragoza Program that is developing some answers.

Gates Grant to MIT Zaragoza Will Fund Better Forecasting for Global Health Products

March 13, 2009 • Press Releases

Zaragoza, SPAIN

The MIT Zaragoza International Logistics program at the Zaragoza Logistics Center has received a Grant of US$492,857.00 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study the most effective way to estimate the demand for global health products. The study results could have a profound impact on the planning and quantification processes used in global health programs and would also help create a healthy supply market for these products.

Plugging Into Sensor Networks

January 12, 2009 • Press Releases

This "Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies" article by Jarrod Goentzel describes how tapping into increasingly networked sensor data will give firms a significant competitive advantage