October 27, 2014 at 7:45AM - October 27, 2014 at 9:00AM
MIT Building E62-550

This talk will briefly discuss six projects in the humanitarian sector: (1) allocating food aid for undernutrutioned children using data from a randomized trial in sub-Saharan Africa, (2) allocating food aid for undernutritioned children using data from a nutrition project in Guatemala, (3) analyzing the nutrition-disease nexus in the case of malaria, (4) allocating aid for health interventions to minimize childhood mortality, (5) assessing the impact of U.S.'s failure to use local and regional food procurement on childhood mortality, and (6) deriving individualized biometric identification for India's universal identification program.
To hear more about events like the MIT Humanitarian Speaker Series, please contact egooding@mit.edu.
MIT Humanitarian Speaker Series: Lawrence M. Wein, the Jeffrey S. Skoll Professor of Management Science, Stanford University