May 22, 2015 at 5:00AM - May 22, 2015 at 9:00AM
MIT E51-325
The annual MIT SCALE Alumni ReConnect welcomes SCALE alumni back to campus to network with each other and continue their professional education. Each year we welcome all of our alumni from the MIT SCM Program (formerly called MLOG), the ZLOG Program in Zaragoza, the GCLOG Program in Latin America, and the MSCM Program in Malaysia to come back to MIT for MIT SCALE ReConnect. Our ReConnect event is timed to immediately follow SCM’s Research Fest, where graduating master's students present their theses to the Center's corporate Supply Chain Exchange Partners.
Learn more about this year's Research Fest here:
Register for ReConnect 2015 here.
For alumni of our SCM/MLOG, ZLOG, MSCM, and GCLOG programs only.
Thursday, May 21, 2015:
Research Fest
8:30am – 5:00pm
Tang Center - 3rd floor classroom (E51-372 & 376)
Alumni Reception
5:30pm – 7:30pm
SCM Lab E40-364
ReConnect officially begins with a reception in the SCM Lab Suite (E40-364), where many have spent their time during the program. Alumni gather to enjoy an open bar (free beer, wine, soda) and heavy hors d’oeuvres as they get caught up with each other’s lives and careers. This is a great opportunity to nurture and expand your professional network by reinforcing the ties with your fellow SCALE alums.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Half Day Speaker Series: The Supply Chain Perspective: Tackling Challenges through the SCM Lens
Building E51-325
Breakfast will be provided.
We invite alumni from years past to come back and speak about their career paths post their graduate program. This year the speakers will be talking about projects and challenges they've dealt with while using their knowledge/background in the supply chain.
This year's Speakers:
Esme Fantozzi ’03
Kapil Singh ’04
Gautam Kapur ’07
Lauren Zinner ’09
Raj Narayanaswamy ’09
*Formal agenda and speaker topics to follow
Alumni Luncheon* ($25)
Meadhall (Upstairs Private Room)
Limited Space Available. Register early.
Following the speaker series, a private luncheon is planned for alumni to connect in an intimate setting.
*This lunch is intended for all alumni in the SCALE network. Current students are not eligible to attend.
**Alumni participating in the optional afternoon activities are asked to make a donation to the MIT SCALE Alumni Fund. **